Remember this is just advice, you can choose to ignore it in an adult way.
1. Never cheat& never be with a cheater.
There is never a reason to cheat when you are in a relationship, if you are unhappy leave, tripping & landing on some other guys dick is not a mistake it's a very deliberate action. You may not think it but any guy you date in the future will easily find out if you have a history of cheating & that will affect the choices he makes about being with you whether to get serious or even to propose. If he thinks you will cheat then you are just the girl he is doing right now.
Never be with a man that cheats on you, you may risk forgiving him but if he's a tool may take that forgiveness as a licence to screw whoever they feel like when their dick is hard.
2. Don't waste your youth, stay off the C*ck Riding Carousel.

This is a controversial one, but it's an opinion that most men share. So many women these days think they can spend their prime attractive years (16-30) living the strong independent female lifestyle of partying, casual sex, college, careers & whatever else( all of which is fine) but then as soon as they hit 30 they expect to find a high quality man ready to marry them & have kids not realising that the odds of that happening have been growing less and less as they've gotten older as those high quality men have already been taken or if still single are interested in younger women. So many over 30 year old single women are panicking trying to find any single man they can settle for before their biological clock stops & their eggs go out of date. Young ladies if you find something good with a great guy don't throw away so easily hoping that you may find it again with another great guy.
3. Save yourself for your future husband.

Your future husband will certainly appreciate it and I always say there is a difference between the women men marry & the women we pump& dump. Studies show the more sexual partners a woman has had, the less likely she is to describe her marriage as happy as studies have shown, which shockingly enough shows women have a deep biological desire to be owned. You as a young woman may think itβs a good life decision to sleep with the hipster gender studies major, but complain that you arenβt sure what they want to do for a career yet you make possibly irrevocable decisions about whom they share your body with. Virginity for a young woman can be power on the sexual marketplace, sluts are A dime a dozen but virgins are rare. Some men will still commit to a woman with a lot of experience, but they never prefer, while most men frankly prefer to commit to women without a sexual past that's basically a census of c*ck. Virgin girls also donβt have to weed through the players. Because she wonβt give it up until the wedding night, she knows her man will not bail on her if she lets him hit it on the first date. Most men who date her with sex off the table want more than to just sex, and they will likely be willing to abstain for a year should the reward be great enough. Still in 2019 a woman who is young, sexually inexperienced, domestic, pleasant to be around, maintains her physical appearance, she can pick& choose any high quality suitor she wants. Such virtuous paramour has the right to demand that a man keep his dong in his pants until marriage, and more often than not she will be able to hold him to her demand. Life doesn't always work out like this & when it comes to sex nature eventually wins(which is why there were so many shotgun weddings in the past) but this is something to consider.
4. Never be in a friends with benefits or F-buddies relationship.

Women make this mistake all the time & more often than not get hurt because after a period of time they have developed feelings for their friends with benefits & hope for more but end up devastated when the guy moves on to a woman who is superior to her in every way, the women in the friends with benefits ends up with low self esteem& heart ache. Men & women are different, & sex is different for women than it is for men, there's more emotion involved on the female side. Basically if a guy just wants to be f-buddies or friends with benefits it means he doesn't think you are good enough for anything but casual sex. friends with benefits & F-buddies are nothing knew, they are basically just rebooted words for booty call.
5. Keep your body tight, stay healthy.

No matter how the media & feminists push the whole fat acceptance thing no guy wants to be with an overweight woman and despite the whole "healthy at at any size" baloney you are not healthy if you are fat. Hit the gym, eat right, avoid fatty & unhealthy foods, drink only in moderation, don't smoke, stay out of the sun and get plenty of sleep.

Remember an unhealthy lifestyle of excess & sloth ages a woman, as you get into your 30s your metabolism slows making it easier for you to put on weight so if you are overweight in your teens& 20s & a lazy slob the easier you will pack on the beef when you hit 30, the harder it will be to drop the lard from your butt or even keep your tonnage in check. You may be chunky now but the real battle of the bulge begins at 30.
6. Learn to Cook well.

Ladies nothing indicates a woman is marriage material as much as her ability to Cook, sadly today many women's only talent is their ability to put their legs behind their ears but few can cook well. A potential husband does not want a wife who when it comes to dinner time can only order off a dinner menu or a microwave dinner, he wants someone that rustle up a home cooked healthy meal for the family. The old saying is that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and that is so true.
7. Avoid unfairly Trash talking or lying about exes.

This can be a real red flag if a girl you are dating can't shut up about her ex. A lot of chicks I dated bitched about their exes but more times than not I found out that they were lying. Now some weren't lying while others were telling absolute whoppers of lies that involved rape, domestic abuse, stealing, drugs, cheating etc. Put it this way I let them break up with me. When your old relationship is over move on and stop trying to muddy the waters or get revenge on an ex.
8. Don't hit a man without expecting a taste of equality.

In 2019 some women seem to have the sexist idea that because of their gender they have the right to assault men without any consequences. We see this more & more whether it be in a nightclub, street protest, Wallmart or in the home where 70% of all domestic abuse cases are instigated by women (in other words they started it). I don't know if its to do with the MSM promoting strong women as the physical equal of men in tv shows & movies where the female "badass" beats up not just one 220 lb guy but 10 or if these women still expect special privileges/rights/treatment in the era of gender equality. Certainly legally the law treats women as if they were children in these matters. In a domestic abuse case where the wife is beating the shit out of the husband in most cases it's the husband who gets arrested when the cops show up. In divorce cases domestic abuse is often faked by the divorcing wife.
A common trick is to wait unti a holiday weekend then call the cops from the bathroom, walk out and instigate a physical response from her husband so that when the cops arrive she has a bust lip or black eye, the cops arrest the husband who spends the weekend in county lock up. While he's locked up she changes the locks, files a restraining order, empties their joint bank accounts, empties his savings, runs up debts on his credit cards and turns his friends against him. All this of course looks bad in divorce court for the husband. Another trick some women use is to get a friend to bear them up a bit around the face, then they go to the police station and get an ex-boyfriend arrested.
Anyway young ladies if you physically assault a person be they male or female expect to get hit back probably harder too.
9. Don't be a homewrecker/sidechick.
To be fair being a homewrecker is not as bad at the dirtbag cheating on his wife & kids but it is still pretty low& shameful. Imagine that was your husband wouldn't you be glad if your man was told by a woman he was hitting on to go home to his wife & kids. If you didn't know it's not your fault but if your some guy's side chick hoping he will leave his wife& kids for you then your are living in a fantasy, even if he did he will do the same to you or worse because he doesn't respect you & probably will resent you in the end as you represent the death of his marriage and why his kids hate him. Also being a homewrecker/sidechick marks you out as untrustworthy to other women & as an easy lay to most men.
10. Use Anti-depressants (unless you need too)

Some studies suggest as much as 1in4 women are on anti-depressants, granted some women definitely need to be but 1in4 is pretty high and more likely linked to the medical industries desire to medicate us all for profit. Some like myself believe that such pharmaceutical drugs are overprescribed in very high doses, that they are linked to suicide, school shooters and high rates of obesity in women here in the US. I've dated women who were on anti-depressants and it was a real rollercoaster especially one who ended up in a mental wellness facility when her meds were changed to a different brand. This is just my view, decide for yourself.
11. Put the effort in when it comes to sex.

Many women frankly put little effort into good sex expecting the man to do all the work while still giving her the most amazing big O she's ever had, even very experienced women who you'd think after years of sleeping around would be better then you realise why you they are still single. I remember one chick years ago though she'd been with quite a few guys I had to teach her what guys like and more importantly what she liked. Ladies being exceptionally pretty just isn't enough and being experienced doesn't mean you are as good as you should be or could be. Ladies if you are inexperienced or have never done it allow yourself and your man to explore each other's bodies and teach each other. Communication is key to good sex so don't be shy.
12. Have a Dowry.
Sure it's great if your Dad wants to contribute towards your future with your new husband in the tradition of giving you away with money or land but here in America no guy is going to pay you to marry his daughter in 2019. For the 21st century what monetary assets bride herself brings to the relationship such as money, property, savings, earnings, an inheritance etc is what I consider a dowry. More & more men in the modern era are less willing to accept a marriage where the bride brings nothing to the table. Sorry ladies but this isn't 1800 you need to be more than barefoot & pregnant to be wifed up.
13. Dress modestly & tastefully.

I shouldn't have to say this but if you dress like a street walker then people will treat you as such.
14. Have some Self-respect.

Don't let others put you down of tell you what you can or can't do, don't let people bully or disrespect you or your family. If you don't respect yourself how do you expect anyone else too. Today it seems people want to be seen as a victim but have some self respect & reject victim culture.
15. Protect yourself.

If a strange man invites you up to his hotel room you should decline, if you come up to his hotel room and he's wearing nothing but a towel alarm bells should be ringing, if he decided to take a shower in front of you why are you still there.
Protecting yourself in today's world is very important and not just for women. I recommend young women learn some Self defence, Brazilian jujitsu is pretty good for women to learn. Some feminists may respond "teach men not to rape" but I'm pretty sure rapists know rape is wrong much like how murders know murder is wrong. I recommend women who live alone to buy a gun and take some shooting lessons. Depending where you live carrying a firearm can be legally difficult or impossible in some states but I recommend it if possible and if you live or work in a bad neighbourhood. I also recommend not dressing lile a slut when going to nightclubs especially if you have to walk home not because slutty looking women deserve to get raped but because they look like victims, the world is not always a nice place and usually life's victims are the people that no one cares about or the a person that looks like no one cares about. Avoid dangerous crime ridden areas and importantly avoid back packing on your own through 3rd world countries. In a night club or house party don't drink until you blackout, never ever accept a drink from a stranger and never leave your drink down- if you do leave it to go to the bathroom just buy another.
16. Have your kids young if you can.

I think we are all waiting too long to have our kids. Think about it if you have your first kid at 30+ when your kid is 10 you will be 40+, when your kid is 15+ you will be 45 and by the time your kids is ready to give your first grandkids at 30+ you will be closing in on 70 and possibly the morgue. I would want to be in the lives of my grandkids. Also getting pregnant, carrying the child, giving birth and recovering from childbirth is much easier on younger mothers than mature mothers. Of course not everybody has the option and kids need a mother and father.
17. Marrying the right man, marry for love.

It seems so many young brides (some grooms too) are more interested in the wedding than the actual marriage. They along with their fiancee spend often a decade working & saving to afford the all singing all dancing wedding, some still live with their parents. Then a year or two after the wedding & honeymoon married life is such an anti-climax and they find they don't actually love their new husband, life is too hard saddled with debt from the wedding, college debt, mortgage repayment, credit card debt, car payments etc that they can't even start a family yet. So many people that went through the big wedding have told me they wish they'd spent considerably less. Anyway the divorce rate is considerably high with women instigating most divorces so be sure you marry the right man.
18. Raise your own kids.
Today in most homes both parents work and many new mothers don't take off much time from giving birth. So many parents are relying on strangers to raise their kids. School teachers, babysitters, day care workers the idiot box. If a couple is lucky they have a retired grandparent to help out. I don't think it's very positive strangers raising kids and I wouldn't trust them too. I think a parent should stay home preferably the mother until the child or youngest child is attending school full time. Truth is most couples don't have this option. I know many working mothers that would love to stay home with the kids but can't afford too.
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