
Search Results: what do guys look for in a girl

Who do guy's feel about muscular girls?

I started my job 5 months ago, working in a warehouse, lifting heavy objects for events and loading them on to lorries. Before I started I was totally out of shape but I've lost 13pounds in weight in the last 5months but...
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Is it true guys would rather have a girl that is slightly insecure about her looks rather than too confident?

If you have time pls read and answer this too. As a teen I used to be EXTREMELY down on myself. No confidence or self esteem, name any physical attribute on my body at all and I will tell you what I thought was wrong with...
If you have time pls read and answer this too. As a teen I used to be EXTREMELY down on myself. No confidence or self esteem, name any physical attribute on my body at all and I will Show More
Insecure, she will be less likely to cheat
Insecure, I'd like to make her feel beautiful
Insecure, I don't want a conceited girl
Insecure other reason
Confident, I don't want to deal with the insecurities
Confident, because her feeling sexy turns me on too
Confident other reason
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Why are guys so into me but girls are not?

I'm a straight guy who has dated a lot but never had a real strong lasting relationship. I don't know why lately I don't get matches or messages anymore on dating apps. This morning really got to me as to question my very...
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Do guys look at girl’s boobs out of lust only?

I met a decent guy and felt he liked me (locked eyes, asked me personal questions within limit, was caring). I liked whatever I got to know about him. He acted sincere and respectful at all times. Over dinner with common...
I met a decent guy and felt he liked me (locked eyes, asked me personal questions within limit, was caring). I liked whatever I got to know about him. He acted sincere and respectful Show More
Lust only
Love interest
Other. Please leave reason in comment
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Guys, do you obsess over girls like girls obsess over guys?

Some things like... If you really like a girl, do you think about her very often? Do you try to talk to her to improve your relationship with her? Or just go with the flow and see what happens? Do you ever day dream...
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What does a guy mean if he says to a girl that she looks like a calendar girl?

what did he mean by that? what does a guy mean when he says to a girl she looks like a calendar girl? and does this mean he is not looking for something serious with her? thanks
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What do Greek guys look for in girls?

What do Greek guys look for in girls (none Greek girls)? What are some characteristics they expect from girls?
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Guys, would you date this girl?

I recently found her in youtube and thought she was stunning, but when I told some of my guy friends about her they all said that they would never date someone that looked like her, because she was fat. I get she is...
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Why do guys look so sexy while driving?

This is a crazy observation but I've wondered why guys look so hot while driving. The minute they step into the drivers seat, guys put their seat low, lean back into the seat, have one hand on the steering wheel and...
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Guys, Guys would you date a girl who's lost weight (100 lbs) and has some loose skin on stomach, inner thighs and boobs are kind of saggy?

I've lost 100 pounds and with clothes i look normal, but i do have loose skin, its not too crazy, but i do have some and its really been bugging me because its like i was super insecure being fat so i did something about...
I've lost 100 pounds and with clothes i look normal, but i do have loose skin, its not too crazy, but i do have some and its really been bugging me because its like i was super Show More
Depends on severity. (Would you consider the pictures i showed severe?)
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Guys, does it look bad if a girl has a big stomach in a tight dress?

I like the dress but nothing ever seems to flatter me. Then I realized that my stomach was noticeable and I wasn't sure if that looked weird to guys or not.
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Guys, do you like a girls butt because she’s cute or it’s nice shaped?

I’m going to try to ask this without sounding weird or confusing. Guys, do you think a girl has nice butt because she’s cute or she just has a nice shaped butt. I’m always having guys look at my butt and watching it as...
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Why do guys follow random really young girls on instagram?

Girls that are way younger and not even fully developed, posting half naked pictures of them selves. It makes me feel like guys want these kind of girls then? Honestly? Someone who only cares about taking mirror selifes...
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Why are guys looked at as players if he talks to multiple girls but for girls talking to multiple guys it’s perfectly ok?

The reason why I talk to multiple girls instead of one at a time is because I’ve been scorned in the past talking to one chick and investing so much time into that one girl. I don’t get girls these days when they say I...
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Guys, how do you react when you are talking to a good looking women or pretty girl?

Guys, how do you react when you are talking to a good looking women or pretty girl? Let's say you work at a store. Then a good looking girl or pretty girl walks in. Do you stare at her? Or avoid eye contact? Or you...
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Would a guy really care if a girl doesn't try to dress up?

So I've been reading about how when girls get crazy with dressing up it looks like they are trying to hard. And personally I dislike shopping, its boring as hell. Anyway, my question is; Would a guy really care if a...
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Why do guys look at me in the gym?

i get so self conscious in the gym because I'm trying to lose weight and I don't wear makeup, my hairs a mess, and I just wear athletic leggings sneakers and a random shirt, but I find guys looking at me like whenever I...
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What do guys look for when they scroll through a girl's Facebook profile?

There is a guy whom is interested in me who finally added me to Facebook. He is extremely outgoing and confident. I'm less outgoing and not as confident. I'm definitely more reserved. I kind of feel like a fish in a class...
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What does it mean if a guy looks surprised to see you?

I have a crush on this guy and I noticed when we look at each other he has almost a surprised expression on his face. Like his jaw drops a little and his eyebrows go up. I feel like we look at each other longer than...
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