Search Results: Do you need to have a logical explanation for

Why did my ex boyfriend try to warn me about men?

After me and my ex boyfriend broke up we slept together and he stopped in the middle of us having sex to tell me not to trust men. I think it triggered him that I was talking to him in a loving manner. Maybe he felt...
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More on the Existence of God and Free Moral Agency. Not for the Intellectually faint-hearted

Since I have mentioned some of these arguments elsewhere in the past several days, I am going to consolidate them into a single 20,000 character post, assuming I don't run out of space. I think I'm required to post a...

Humans Today are Hybrids of Ancient Humans and Aliens!

Human skeletons have been found as early as 300,000 years into the past! So we've been around for quite a while. No, humans didn't evolve from apes - there's no scientific proof of that since the transitional species has...

The Horror of Ghosting

Yes, this is a common thing. Yes, it's already been written about. But I want to give my thoughts on it. I’ve been talking with some people here about ghosting and seen some questions about it, so I decided to do my own...

Gender is a Social Construct- But so is Everything Else

Fair warning: while my main motivator to write this take was to explain how I view sex and gender, this is a super complicated issue, and as such needs a lot of background on social constructs as a concept prior to any...

Deductive vs Inductive reasoning, a guide about how we think

Introduction Have you ever thought about how you think? No, I'm not high, that was a serious question. Well, today I'm going to give you some insight about how we as humans answer life's questions. I now present to you:...

Why bad guys will be always desired by the majority of women!

I've never thought I'd actually write a take about 'bad' guys because the term itself is rather immature and cringeworthy. It still doesn't take away that most women would ditch any guy for a 'bad' one. The question is...

Why I won't ever judge someone for aborting or keeping their baby

This is pretty spur of the moment since I just saw a very ignorant question about why abortion is legal but murder isn't. I ask you in response, why is it anyone's business what someone does to their own body? I don't...

How NOT to keep a girlfriend

All right ladies, for those of you who are thoroughly involved with the task of what I call dating a “High Maintenance Male”, you will definitely feel me on this article. Over many different dates and situations I have...

Stop Writing "Misconceptions About ____________"

One, just stop. Its getting really sad that you need to justify yourself to us and it looks absolutely ridiculous. For one, you're not convincing anyone who didn't already believe in that thing that you're trying to...

A More Neutral Look at the 'Friendzone'

The friendzone is today almost certainly the most exhaustively discussed of the relationship woes. On the Internet, it is like a loose beast and even for the most intelligent men (and women) it is a difficult concept to...

Not All Cheaters Are the Same, So Stop Judging Us Like We Are!

NOT ALL CHEATERS ARE THE SAME!!! I say this because there is no one situation that is exactly the same. Not every cheater is the same. Those who have been cheated on and are hurt have the idea of cheaters being horrible...

Not everyone wants a significant other!

This is one topic I see people constantly going on about. They insist on wanting someone and figure everyone is as insistent as they are about it. So when they see someone who is perfectly content being single, they...

For all you insecure guys out there, read this:

This is going to be bold, logical, straigh forward and factual, no need for an introduction or an explanation. 1. So, you're not happy with your looks? You can't change your physcial appearance, so why whine about it?...

Horizon Times vs. The Bible: How to Spot an Immature Interpreter

So I found this article being promoted in a link on a different article that was linked in my Facebook newsfeed, and found myself rolling my eyes reading through it. "10 Regular Things the Bible Bans But We Still Do" I...

Six Things About Maturity That Are Absolutely Horrifying

Maturity. The final frontier of growth and the penultimate goal of mankind. Many names for it from Enlightenment to Melancholy but overall most people want to be mature. So I will start by explaining what this is not...

Why I Despise "Black Lives Matter"

Well, I don’t literally hate the notion of saying that “Black lives matter”, what I hate, is the tendency to base vehement sentiments on pure anecdotes and guilt-mongering, which is what the movement often does. Facts and...

My Follow Up to Being A Black Man Who Hates Rap and Hip Hop

So this comes a lot later than I wanted it to, because I've been so busy with work and other things that I've had to keep putting it off, but now I get a propertunity to follow up on my last Take that talked about why and...

A Good Long Term Relationship Requires...

Some users on this site don't want a LTR and they are quite vocal about their intentions. I understand that not everyone sees a LTR or marriage as a desirable goal. Some people would not be comfortable “tied down” to one...
OlderAndWiser u

Anthropic Principle

@lord_chilled and I were talking about this the other day. Rather than consistently having to write in brief responses I thought it would be best to continue with myTakes discussing the arguments for god/s. This is...