Search Results: Girls what in your eyes makes a guy cute

When a guy stares into your eyes with a serious face, what does it mean?

This really cute guy and I are both 18. And in the past he would either smile genuinely when our eyes met or wink at me. but this past weekend he would stare at me hard with no expression on his face like if he walked by...
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Girls what would you think if a guy said this to you?

This girl that I really like and, she Is the only girl that I've had such true and deep feelings go on and off. This has been going on for years now and at first when we met each other I just had these feelings that I had...
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Quiet girl in my class?

She's very intellectual and just very quiet most of the time. I find her silence so interesting that I just feel this need to get to know her. Truth is, she isn't all that pretty to others (I've heard comments) but I...
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Hey guys would you find it cute if a girl messaged you saying your cute let's hangout sometime?

To cut a long story short. He was the gas meter person who changed our meter. He's not the meter reader though. He works for British gas. My mom came upstairs when he arrived and he was doing his job. She said to me wow...
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Guys: Which of these two girls would you rather be romantically involved with and why?

Girl A: She is your stereotypical hot, smart, popular girl all the guys think is attractive. She is considered to be beautiful due to her flawless milky-white skin, vixen green eyes, and long, soft, and graceful raven...
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Why do guys flirt even if they have a gf?

Hello guys! I'm French so please don't mind my mistakes. So there's a guy in my class I like. We've known each other since 11th grade. At that time we didn't talk too much, like only if we need something or he wants to...
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Should I make a move on her at her house?

I met a girl at work and see her daily. We tease each other and have gotten rlly close. We took each other out for our birthdays. She said we should do something for my birthday and another girl was supposed to come...
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Do biracial guys mixed with white and black like black girls who are not whitened up?

It seems like most biracial guys who are half black, half white are attracted to women who are not black and if she is black, then she's mixed or light skinned with a good perm or a long weave. I don't think I have ever...
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Girls: licking your lips or sticking your tongue out? How much interest is this?

So, I was out tearing up the dance floor doing some swing dancing the other night and found two girls -- one was an out-of-towner, one was a newbie local -- and got some good dancing in with a couple of girls I had just...
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I'm 31, and have NEVER had a girlfriend. What are your thoughts?

I'm 31, and have NEVER had a girlfriend. I have a ripped body. I assume my face is my biggest downfall. I don't see myself as unattractive or ugly, but I believe I know what my flaws are. I've been told by women that I...
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GUYS: What do guys think when a girl blushes?

So I am in a relationship with this guy. I'm really shy and I blush almost all the time. When he makes eye contact, I blush. When he compliments on me, I blush. When he says something funny and makes me laugh, I blush. He...
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Are Some Girls Intimidated by Good-Looking Guys?

Good looking girls are usually swarmed with guys from all walks of life, but is it the same for good looking guys? Girls, when you see, work with, or know a guy that is good looking, do you feel uncomfortable talking to...
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Guys, Why do some Asians hate black girls?

I'm 13 and honestly I don't know if it's the hormones taking over or not but here it goes... I speak with my parents about love but sometimes it doesn't help.. I ask myself "what is wrong with me?"When I went to a...
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Is it possible to only have eyes for your partner?

I love my boyfriend like crazy and i can't imagine my life with anyone else. I could never cheat on him, it's just not worth it, he means so much to me but at the same that doesn't mean either of us don't find others...
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How to deal with people that talk behind your back at work and rude people (when you’re extremely shy)?

I have this Russian guy at work that keeps telling me that I stink which I don’t since I don’t have body odor in reality he hates my perfume but I still wear whatever I like. He also tells other people that he doesn’t...
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Help! This guy is in love with me and I pretend to be in love with him, but I don't really like him that way?

Okay so I meet this guy in an online game. At the time he had girlfriend, and he thought I had an awesome personality so he added me. He was in an unhappy relationship and later broke up with the girlfriend. But the thing...
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Now I like the guy I rejected and I feel awful about it?

I met one of my friends through another friend. We'll call him Ken. Ken, my friend, and I hung out at Six Flags one day and had a great time and that was the first time we ever hung out like that. At school I always...
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How to tell girl she looks better without makeup without offending her?

There are girls I know who are good looking, who look better without the makeup on. either they dont know how to put makeup or it is unnecessary. as a guy, i think she looks more attractive without it. one example is...
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If you look at a guy and he looks away quickly?

Lets say I look at a guy and henotices and our eyes lock for about 1 second then he looks away quickly. Does it mean there's no attraction or does it mean he is intimidated by your looks and shy? I've heard conflicting...
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Cute Girls Doing Cute Things

Cute girls attract men more than beautiful girls. Some girls have a natural attractive look and features and some have adorable personalities. Looking cute in front of friends and lovers is what every girl wants. For some...