Winter depression (SAD) & a preview on a future myTake


Winter depression

The following song, "Es ist wieder Februar" ("it's February again") is about winter depression/seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It's a tribute to February, one of the most exhausting months of the year for some people (including myself).

My sadness is much worse in winter, although I love the cold months, I simply can't bear how it's always dark early in the evening and the sun rises late.

Do you also suffer from winter depression/SAD?

My next myTake

The topic of the music video is Burschenschaften, which are elite men's clubs. I'll publish a myTake on this topic soon as they're involved in the extreme right of Austria, Germany and Switzerland, and are only now losing their influence in politics in Austria (the political influence of Burschenschaften in Switzerland and Austria is not as big).

So far, I've researched on this topic for more than seven hours and didn't start writing yet, meaning that this may take some more time :) Here's an English video you can watch in the meantime for an American's perspective on the Mensur, which is the process shown in "Es ist wieder Februar" (the video above):

Here's another on their influence in Austria:

Ugh, the drinking

Yay, fraternities!

Winter depression (SAD) & a preview on a future myTake
7 Opinion