Have you been following the story about the "Libs of Tik Tok"?

Have you been following the story about the Libs of Tik Tok?
This story is being told all over the globe. A woman created a Twitter account, and all she does is re-post videos she finds on TikTok, on her Twitter account. The videos are primarily about LGBTQ teachers who talk about the crazy things they are teaching in their classrooms, to young children.
This woman on Twitter just wanted all of you to know where your tax dollars are going, and the LGBTQ community is sending her death threats for exposing them, even though they already exposed themselves on TikTok.

This is beyond crazy, and if you even care, you should look into it. This is why I want government education to go the way of the phone booth. It's total garbage and a failed system.
Have you been following the story about the "Libs of Tik Tok"?
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