I watched a documentary on netflix that even if you don't believe the theory about an ancient cataclysmic event around the time of the ice age and pre ice age civilisation it does raise many questions that traditional archeologists and historians have yet to answer. For instance the great flood myth which appears globally in virtually every culture, myths about a great lost civilisation, early human construction which predates the accepted time civilisation is supposed to have started, cities and settlements that sunk when the ice age ended, a lot of these events are confirmed by geologists.
1.8K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Erasing history seems to be a recurring action.
I’ve been reading Mr Hancock’s material for years. I was involved in some early testing of the LiDAR in the military. I’m familiar with its capabilities. And how it’s being used to find the remains of missing civilizations is amazing.
One thing about human nature is that we resist change. Change makes us uncomfortable. When people have become accustomed to a perspective, especially when that perspective is popular AND it’s supported by the “consensus” of modern “scientists” and the media then they will resist ANY evidence that challenges their comfortable position.
I find it quite humorous how easily evidence is ignored today simply because it doesn’t fit with the popular narrative. So modern day pseudoscience would do to Hancock what the pope and the inquisition did to Galileo because his findings were not popular. Oh, but it’s not censorship if he’s spreading “fake news” that hasn’t been fact-checked but those in power.
Human nature hasn’t changed. Truth is not comfortable so it must be demonized rather than consider the possibility of change.
The left and the media is as powerful as the corrupt church has been and seeks to do the same thing, silence dissenters because it threatens their powerbase. And the bootlickers that worship the left/msm don’t even realize that just because they agree with those in power doesn’t mean that those in power care about them. And because the bootlickers refuse to learn from history and actually try to erase it they will be surprised when those in power cast the minions aside the second they are no longer needed.
04 Reply- 1 y
I was thinking about Galileo when I read this piece. Hancock is basically saying to all those historians and archeologists that everything they've believed and studied for a large part of their life is wrong.
- 1 y
Yeah the historical accounts in the bible are from a certain region concerning the hebrew people only.
Most Helpful Opinions
1.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. First, the complaint is from the Guardian - who once misspelled their own name in a print issue.
Second, Hancock makes a lot of sense and raises serious questions that the "because I said so" answer of mainstream archaeology ignores. The Sphinx shows clear signs of water erosion - something Hancock doesn't mention in the series - and no archaeology lecturer I've met (and I know a few) has ever been able to explain.
Why do indigenous peoples historical traditions almost all mention a flood with only 7 or 8 survivors? Why do South America tribes genetically unable to grow beards have ancient carvings of men with beards arriving BY BOAT and teaching them how to build farms etc?
Archaeology provides theories, not concrete answers. Why shouldn't Hancock's theories be considered? Some make more sense than the accepted order. Refusing him access to sites because he has a different theory screams "we're hiding something" more than letting a journalist with a camera in ever could!20 Reply
- 1 y
TV shows are made to entertain so they can make money. It's kinda like the Trump phenomenon. It's all bullshit and drama because stupid people crave mindless entertainment and they want to believe in something exciting. And they will pay money to be in a cult that makes them feel important and special. Meanwhile, the fat cats get fatter on straight up lies. But when you melt brains with BS, society suffers and the dopey community starts resenting the logical people, and suddenly they are asking for a civil war. That's why bullshit is dangerous.
14 Reply- 1 y
True but a lot of things in the show check out and historians and archeologists have no answer for them. Its kinda like how anyone before the last financial crisis that was warning of it was dismissed as barshit crazy.
- 1 y
The fact something can't be answered isn't proof that the alternative theory is correct.
- 1 y
@purplepoppy it's not the alternative theory that's the problem but the asking of questions they have no answer for
- 1 y
Finding a gap in a person's knowledge does not make your hypothesis correct. Scientists see things everyday they can't explain, that doesn't mean what they know is wrong.
I think it depends on what side you are on.
Not sure what you mean by “traditional”. For me, “traditional” means the historical account of the Bible. Nowadays those beliefs and thoughts have gone out the window. The main thought, that is taught in schools, is evolution and all of it's parts that are wrapped up in one.26 Reply- 1 y
The historical account in the bible is only from the hebrew person
- 1 y
Hard to say. There were other people's who may have believed on God ie the wife of moses and her people.
- 1 y
She wasn't hebrew that's why they were unhappy
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
Most people are dumb. Most of those same people think they’re smart. Too many people conflate feelings with facts.
There’s an old quote that i’m not gonna look up now cuz it’s already past my bedtime. I can adequately paraphrase it though. ‘The problem with smart people is their inclination to question what they think they know. Dumb people are not similarly handicapped.’ Or something like that. I also don’t recall the source. If i think to dig it up properly in the near future, i may actually come back and post it respectfully.10 Reply 4.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. post hoc fallacy.
It's better to build an understanding from the ground up. Compared to deconstruct an understanding down from the sky. Same exact way we understand how to construct buildings and skyscrapers.
The god father of ancient alien theory was a science fiction novelist. It's cute and fun for fiction novels but to actually call it a "theory" is disgusting because it's post hoc for profit corporations.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/vDq8vQ0t67A12 Reply- 1 y
I think you need to consider the whole picture from archeology, writing history, mythology, historical astronomy, geology, Oceanography, climate science you know all of it together.
- 1 y
History is written by the victors. As empires expand they’re not going to talk about the cultures they exterminated. Ask people from different countries their perspective on say WW2. You’ll get totally different view then the books you read. Same with human history they just found a castle at the bottom if this lake in turkey which they think is from 9bc.
13 Reply- 1 y
This is true no more evident than here in the US where we basically wiped out most signs of the native civilisation for hundreds of years and built on their cities.
- 1 y
... but I don't think conquest was involved. Even Atlantis, may cultures around the globe have a similar myth
- 1 y
Heard of the Antikythera Mechanism? Look that one up.
Partly because some of them are outright insane, racist, or just plain stupid and propogated by stupid, insane, or racist people. But also partly because some of them are partly true or 100% true and certain people in power want that shut down for nefarious reasons.
10 Reply5.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Netflix has or has had child porn on their service, but something that would be just another dime a dozen show about aliens/dimensions/esoteric hogwash on the history channel is uniquely dangerous, huh? It would be incredibly difficult to take these people seriously if it weren't for the fact they want to use this line of reasoning to silence and censor stuff that actually matters here and now.
10 Reply10.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. They aren't.
Quite the opposite, in fact, as your own post is showing.
Hancock, von Däniken, and many others, have always been alternative theorists. In fact, you could say it's the oldest science there is.
The problem is that there is too much time and space for anyone to actually ever know for sure. But there is also a lot of ladder kicking and profiteering from all sides too.
02 Reply- New 1 y
They actually are. Historians and archeologists have set time limits on the start of civilisation, no further back 4-3000 BC, even when evidence of older civilisation is shown like in Göbekli Tepe which is has been shown to be as old as 9-8000 BC
9.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because usually they're is no evidence of it or because evidence for reality is rather plentiful.
23 Reply- 1 y
The evidence is everywhere.
I'm perplexed why you think they're being "shut down". You're free to engage with trash archeology on Netflix.
Of course the academics are gonna dunk on it.
If you want to be taken seriously, get peer reviewed, lol.
10 Reply- 1 y
Mostly because there's very little evidence to support them and what does exist is often misinterpreted. As for global flooding its accepted the earth's undergone several localised megafloods bit not one giant biblical one.
21 Reply- 1 y
The biblical flood lasted 40 days, some believe it to be a retelling of the black sea deluge mega flood when the black sea joined the Mediterranean, to surviors it would have appeared to be a global flood.
Around the same time as Noah's ark there were great underground cities built in capedocia in Turkey, over two hundred towns and underground cities with connecting tunnels and secret passages. At first they thought it was to hide from invading armies but now they are starting to think that maybe they are more like fallout shelters.
- 1 y
Alternative theories on human history? 😄😄😄😄😄 maybe they still try to hide that the earth is flat (even though we know)
20 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The winner of the war writes or destroys the history, depending on if it agrees with their religious beliefs or politics. There were definitely civilizations over 10,000 years ago, there's just not much left to convince stupid people of it.
10 Reply- 1 y
Why would you call it “dangerous”? Since when is research and thinking “dangerous”?
11 Reply- 1 y
I suppose because if accepted as truth it throws out a lot of what we've accepted. It's kind of like all those giant skeletons that have been found over the years, they ask seem to disappear to the smithsonian without a trace. I mean if they are fake or just examples of really tall people why hide them?
- 1 y
They are ridiculed because they are ridiculous. Academics couldn’t collaborate on choosing lunch, let alone suppressive whatever nonsense conspiracy theory you’ve latched on to.
Pro tip for anyone reading this thread: if someone’s “just asking questions”, they’re trying to feed you bullshit. Do your own research, don’t watch algorithm-driven Netflix sci-fi that claims that aliens built the pyramids.
02 Reply- 1 y
They didn't claim that aloens built the pyramids. They just investigated similar events that happened globally and remembered by nearly every culture through our myths.
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So the what do they claim is the explanation for these “similar events”?
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they shouldn't be. nothing is explained from what we know of the past
10 Reply - 1 y
I don't know. People don't like to think about things twice?
10 Reply - 1 y
You can't upset the apple cart!
20 Reply - 1 y
It’s called gaslighting.
00 Reply - 1 y
I don't know it's all science stuff
00 Reply
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