Why can't people admit: same as dog or animal is "alive" from fertilization, same human fetus?

without bias, nobody doubts a dog is a dog and is alive from fertilization and even a lesson book taught this fact. meanwhile people ,...

What is a decent hourly wage where you live?

What would be considered a living wage?

Do you think only American citizens should have free health care and not illegal immigrants?

Do you think all American born citizens should have free health care and naturalized immigrants should too? Would that encourage...

How much do you make with investment properties?

My dad bought his first non resident investment property 16 years ago and it is 80% paid off, with the money we collect in rent every...

Why are men being blamed for the failure of the marvels?

Majority of men according to statistics 65% mostly white men went to see the marvels so why are left leaning activists and feminists...

Is it not too racist even for CNN?

CNN (Clown News Network) says the lottery is racist. It tells blacks that the powerball etc is a way to get rich, according to Clown...
2 11

Are smart speakers listening to us?

I couldn’t think of a better marketing plan than bugging your customers and transcribing their convos…even if it’s just AI analysis....
5 16

Are you for trump or desantis?

Trump recently released a statement comparing his election results in Florida to Desantis and noted that he had 1.1 million more votes...
0 11

Should poverty be a type of child abuse?

So hard to break that cycle being born into it.
4 5

Anyone else here want a full on dictatorship in America like this dude?

https://twitter.com/NoLieWithBTC/status/1590771129681342464?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Nick Fuentes reacts to GOP failures in the midterm...
4 7

Do you think prostitution is disgusting?

I do, and also think the people who pay for it are too
3 20

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