Is Emminem jumping on the celebrity Anti-Trump band wagon to try and stay relevant and sell his latest album?

40 year old wife beating, sexist , viagra popping, homophobic, cultural appropriator, antisemitic, rapist cries for attention from Trump in the hopes of selling another album to millions more disaffected prepubescent priveledged white boys that are mad at their parents and hate the world and thus stay relevant in 2018. I think we can all agree that he should go away and overdose already.
Is Emminem jumping on the celebrity  Anti-Trump band wagon to try and stay relevant and sell his latest album?

Is Emminem jumping on the celebrity Anti-Trump band wagon to try and stay relevant and sell his latest album?

Yes. He's full of shit.
No. Because... reasons
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Is Emminem jumping on the celebrity Anti-Trump band wagon to try and stay relevant and sell his latest album?
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