Joe Rogan. Why exactly in your opinion is he being targeted for cancelling?

Remember when Neil Young blamed the gays for aids?
Seems to me to be the case that Joe Rogan dared to have opinions of his own on covid, voice those opinions and interview medical professionals who have differing opinions from what the liberal elite say they shouldn't be allowed to be heard. Even the White House has joined in on trying to get him cancelled and anyone who speaks in his defence is attacked or given a warning.
Next thing you know they will pull everything they can out of the their arsenal by trying to smear Rogan as a nazi, a racist, a bigot homophobic, Islamaphobic, sexist, misogynistic and no doubt false rape and a sexual harassment allegations will be made. Protests will happen outside his house, attacks on family. This is the America we live in where having your own opinions and exercising the free speech that isn't approved by the "Party" gets you lynched.
The majority of people are appalled by Joe Rogan's treatment and stand with him. Keep on Rocking in the Free World Joe
Joe Rogan. Why exactly in your opinion is he being targeted for cancelling?
Joe Rogan. Why exactly in your opinion is he being targeted for cancelling?
Joe Rogan. Why exactly in your opinion is he being targeted for cancelling?
Joe Rogan. Why exactly in your opinion is he being targeted for cancelling?
Joe Rogan. Why exactly in your opinion is he being targeted for cancelling?
Joe Rogan. Why exactly in your opinion is he being targeted for cancelling?
Joe Rogan. Why exactly in your opinion is he being targeted for cancelling?
Post Opinion