I have become a cutter and adicted to cocaine, where do I seek help?

I've suffered terrible depression from years and years like ten to be exact I was coping with it okay just slight bouths of heavy depression here and there. Never did any self harm in my teens or any drugsor alchool. Now I'm 27 and I feel totally worthless and it has lead me to believe that nothing I ever do is gonna happen. These realizations of that I'm going to be single forever, that I'm always gonna have a crappy job and that I'm an untrative piece of garbage have lead me to the path of self harm. I started drinking first as a "pick me up" from my blues then it lead to weed but I hated it. Then casual coaine use with heavy "party" drinking, then cocaine every day with clonazepam. Today I got into a heavy depression and none of the drugs I do helped me feel better so I picked up a kitchen knife and slashes my wrist 6 times.

I have never done this at this point I realized that I'm more depressed than I though, I'm to pridefull to go to a therapist ands I doubt it will work. I'm not gonna take meds no way no how. But I do want to get out of this loop before I end up suicidal or something like that. Dangerous thing about me its that I'm impulsive hence why I'm really scared
I have become a cutter and adicted to cocaine, where do I seek help?
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