GAGers: Do you have any weird or specific habits when it comes to eating?

I have a few habits that I've developed when I was like 5 lol

My first habit is that whenever I eat certain kinds of food, like pasta or rice, I HAVE to have 2 slices of bread so I can make a sandwich out of it.

My second habit, which is actually pretty normal, is that I have to ALWAYS put my fries in my burger. No exceptions.

My third and (in my opinion) strangest food habit is that every time I eat meals that come in numbers, like for example chicken nuggets, I NEED to chew half of it with the left side of my jaw and the other half with the right side of my jaw. Like if I had 20 nuggets, I would chew 10 with one side of the jaw and 10 with the other side. If the meal is in an odd number, I always cut part of it in half to make it even again.
Yes I do (Explain)
No I don't.
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GAGers: Do you have any weird or specific habits when it comes to eating?
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