Girls, is it OK for guys to wear running tights?

Girls, is it OK for guys to wear running tights?
It's getting colder where I live and I'd like to make sure I keep motivated to go out and run. So I was considering running tights, but feel a little self-conscious about it.

I was looking at this one:

Question is: is it OK for a guy to run in tights like these?
Yeah, sure.
No way!
Just wear shorts over it and be happy.
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+1 y
Ended up getting one from Adidas that's very basic, all black. Wore it today for a run. Not only it was my fastest run ever, I have to say it feels fantastic!

Very comfortable and kept me warm the whole time, even when I paused for a series of push ups and sit ups. :)
Girls, is it OK for guys to wear running tights?
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