How to be better at Gaelic Football

If you don't know what it is. it is NOT soccer.I suggest googling it. But the simplest terms would be its like basketsball, soccer, vollyball and American football in someways yet its older then all.

Its a great game! I love it. Oh and of course its irish!

I play but I'm wondering how I can improve my enurance(my currant goal)

My solo-ing (I tend to not kick it straight. know where on my foot to kick but I don't know why I just can't be consistent)

im pretty lright with hand passes

How do I keep up in the fast pace practices and practice games when I'm trying to work on these things...i'll only be bad in the game!

Overall those who are familiar with the game how do I become a better player! I get so irritated when I feel I'm falling behind or like I look stupid messing up still on basics!

:( help! Go raibh maith agat!
How to be better at Gaelic Football
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