Being photogenic a real thing or myth? unphotogenic or just ugly and over confident?

I´ve been called good looking and hot by some strangers, 2 of my friends GF´s, family and get quite a good respons from girls at clubs, parties and got approached a few times. with all that being said, i just HATE the way i look in photos. if its a selfie that i take and can control and see what face i make then im happy with it but whenever someone takes a pic of me i just want to shoot myself. if i look in the mirror, i get confidence and like what i see but photos is a whole another thing. when friends look at it they say that i look good in photos but i just hate 9 out 10 pictures taken of me. if i look in the mirror, i see my self as a good looking guy (not brad pitt but OK) but after 1 picture i lose confidence and question my face. am i unphotogenic if it even is real or just THINK that im good looking and wrong?
by the way i am quite confident guy but lose myself after seeing myself in photos.
Being photogenic a real thing or myth? unphotogenic or just ugly and over confident?
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