Should I leave my stressful cashier job?

I've been working as a cashier for about 6 months now and I really hate it. This job stresses me out. For example, I always work on Saturday morning and because of that, I sleep terribly on Friday night (Im half asleep, or wake up in the middle of the night). Then, when I wake up at 7am on Saturday, I'm often out of breath, my heart beats really fast and I have cold sweats. When I get to work, I often get headaches and stomach cramps due to stress. I feel like this job is making me sick and I don't know what to do about it. I told my boss I was going to leave but now I'm not sure anymore. She gave me until tomorrow to make my last decision. I do wanna leave because of how this job is affecting my health but the thing is, if I leave I'll find myself with little to no money in a short amount of time. My family is telling me that I shouldn't leave and I should fight the stress (which I've tried doing for 6 months). And a friend of mine who also suffers from anxiety told me that I should leave if my job makes me feel that way. What should I do? :(
You should leave your job, health before money.
You should stay and deal with the stress, it's better than being broke.
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Should I leave my stressful cashier job?
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