Does a one-night stand with an ex girlfriend hold any meaning?

I dated my girlfriend for 3 years. 7th – midway through 10th grade. I broke up with her twice (I initiated both). About a year and a half later she got a new boyfriend. They’ve been dating for about a year and a half. I forgot about her for awhile, and had some experiences with some other girls, so I have not been hung up on her since our breakup. We had a one-night stand 6 months ago (First time being back with her since 10th grade), the one night she was single, and broke up with her boyfriend, I was the first one she called, I was unaware that she was still interested in me. We had sex (which we never did when we dated before). It was great, but the next day her boyfriend got mad and they got back together. I still think about her a lot, and have feelings for her. About 3 weeks ago we were texting and my ex said she never meant to bring me into her current relationship and that it was not her intentions. I asked her why we had sex then, and she said because she wanted too, and always has. I said I respect her and her boyfriend, but that I still care for her. She said she feels the feels the same way. What does this mean? Has it been too long for me to still be into my ex, and still be interested and ever being with her again?

Just too add some info, when we met we were 13, dated until about we were about 16, and we had our one night stand 6 months ago, while I was, and am currently 19.

And would reaching out to her and expressing how I feel be too risky and stupid at this point considering she has a boyfriend, or would that come across as weird? I Feel like I should let her know so I can either move on or know how she feels.

Thanks for the help!
Does a one-night stand with an ex girlfriend hold any meaning?
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