Christians, would you date/marry someone outside of your denomination? Would they have to convert or would you convert?

This question is really for anyone apart of any Christian faith, although other religions and non-religious people can contribute a also (as long as you're respectful, please.)

For those of you that are Christian, would you date/marry someone OUTSIDE of your denomination? They are still religious and Christian, just not apart of your church. Would your family be okay with it? Do you think it could work out or would it not even matter? Would you or your spouse have to convert?

The reason I ask this is because here in the South specific Christian denominations actually cause divides among some people. Methodists generally tend to keep amongst themselves, same with Baptists, Roman Catholics, Presbyterian, etc. While dividing over religion shouldn't happen anymore, I can see why it still persists (traditions, culture, etc.). I've actually been rejected by one girl in the middle of a date because she was a strict Baptist and as soon as she learned I was a Roman Catholic she couldn't continue it out of her own preferences and those of her family. I don't think religion should be as much of a deal breaker as it is, but obviously that's not the case still. In another example, my dad was a Catholic and my mom was Methodist. They married anyways and about 12 years down the road my mom decided to convert once she liked and understood the religion enough. So differences CAN workout, even if a conversion happens.

So would you date/marry someone outside of your denomination? Would they or you have to convert?
I'm a Christian and would be OK with dating outside my denomination.
I'm a Christian and would NOT be okay with dating outside of my denomination.
I'm a Christian and would date someone outside my denomination unless one of us converted. (Who?)
I'm a Christian and will date anyone of any religion as long as I'm not forced to convert.
I'm not a Christian OR I'm non-religious.
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Christians, would you date/marry someone outside of your denomination? Would they have to convert or would you convert?
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