- +1 y
To hard to say with the details given.
For myself I'm going through a lot. Two hurricanes, new job, savings nearly gone, trying to get my house repaired, trying to salvage my side gig.
Even with all that, for myself, if I were talking to someone for a month I would at least find 30 minutes to meet up. I would have also let you in on what's going on. Maybe not in total detail, but at least enough to clue you in on what's happening.
That's me though. It's just how I am.
Is it possible he's not really into you? Maybe. But there's no conclusive evidence to draw on. Right now I would have to give benefit of doubt.00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
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Not necessarily, perhaps a loved one passed away. Perhaps he's going to court. Perhaps he's having mental health issues. You said he's just moved to the same city as you, maybe he's having trouble adjusting to new surroundings. Don't necessarily count him out 100% just yet.
On the other hand he hasn't given you much information other than he's dealing with some shit. Granted a lot of men don't like giving out information about their troubles. If I was REALLY interested in you I'd like to think I'd discuss my problems with you.
Best of luck, I hope things turn out for the best.00 Reply
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if i talk to a buy for a month and he doesn't mention meeting i'd get so bored i need someone who is interested, if he is "going through some stuff" he shouldn't be online dating wasting some peoples time, everyone has issues thats fine, but not okay to not arrange meets.
01 Reply- +1 y
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He's not being vague he was very clear when he said he's going through some things in life and will make a plan when he gets his shit together. Be patient and if he's really interested he'll reach out to you. In the mean time keep your options open and date other guys.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Possibilities:
A. He looks nothing like the pictures he sent.
B. He needs to make sure his wife/girlfriend’s plans don’t conflict.
C. It’s a a lesbian pretending to be a dude. See point A.
D. He never intended to meet you & just messes with people’s minds online.00 Reply4 times out of 5 he wants to wait some time if something better comes in the way and you surprised him.
same thing happens with girls.
you can do two things
- you can forget him till he contacts you or
- you can push him a bit by making him horny.
however i would advise you to go with the first00 Reply- +1 y
doesn't sound good but doesn't mean he's not into you. He might be a mess.
Anserr the same... can't catch a fish thst isn't ready to take the bait.20 Reply Do you really need to ask this question? Really?
If was into you he would find a way to see you. He most likely is married or other S. O.
... and stay off line talking to guys. Meet them in person.00 ReplyDon't count on meeting, often they online stuff is great but when it comes to in person things get a bit too real. As he says he has shit on his plate.
Carry on.
If the interest was there he'd clear the plate for you10 Reply- +1 y
If he ain't got his shit together, then you have no time for him. Move on or wait if you desire to.
20 Reply - +1 y
no some guys like to keep it simple and maybe nothing really works with his schedule just give him some time to think about when u guys can have a date and im sure if he is the one it will be the best time of ur life
00 Reply 1.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. Anyone being vague about plans is either flaky as a wall or likes a rooster better than you
10 Reply- +1 y
Most guys don't like to plan. But if I was interested in a woman, then we'd just make the date work as we were on it!
10 Reply - +1 y
Yes. Anyone who isn’t setting it up properly doesn’t care if it happens or not.
00 Reply - +1 y
No, he just need to think of a good place to bring someone he likes, you wouldn't go to a chucky cheese in a date with the one you love?
10 Reply - +1 y
Yeah he ain't interested. This is the same as for a girl. If you weren't willing to meet someone, would you say you're interested in them?
10 Reply no necessarily he could be just goin through like he says
10 ReplyNo. Might be a surprise might be he is not sure yet.
00 Reply4.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. He is Not Ready, Betty.. Delete Him. xx
10 Reply- +1 y
What's the benefit in drawing any conclusions?
10 Reply - +1 y
Not really
00 Reply
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