As of right now, How do I completly eliminate romantic love & attraction toward anyone?

I envy aromantics and asexuals, as everytime I get feeling for someone she's way out of my league. I am 26 yo electrical engineering student and have never been in a relationship never had sex and not even kissed a girl. I don't think I am ugly
I am socially inept, many people told me I am awkward. One of my bestfriends told me that the very first time we met he thought I was an incel awkward loser and wanted to avoid me but we unkowingly met again a couple of years later. Similarily I heard that some acquaintance decided not to invite me to their birthday party because I am socially inept.
Due to my awkwardness I am being alienated from a group I used to work activism with but when it came to parties and other stuff they invite everyone else except me. And when I try to talk they always ignore me.

Even if I try to make new friends and consersate with them I just have nothing in common with them.
Also don't suggest escorts as this is a band aid solution to the problem and I want intimacy and feeling loved and wanted.
Plus women do find it a turn-off if an older man past 22 has zero romantic & sexual experience as they want men to take the lead and would refuse to teach someone.
PS: Fuck Incels, MGTOW, PUA, and TRP
As of right now, How do I completly eliminate romantic love & attraction toward anyone?
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