- +1 y
Did you have any ideas in mind of why someone wouldn't want to? If they did have some hangup and didn't want to date her, I think it would be an odd symptom of some deeper irrational thought they are clinging to. Virginity is not a virtue and age is a relative number, and both are totally irrelevant to how someone makes you feel. Someone who would be bothered by such a thing is likely petty, or superficial, or living their life according to someone else's expectations, or all three; and is not the type of person one should be worrying about in the first place. Someone who accepts this girl as she is, and likes her because he sees something special in her that is unrelated to these meaningless standards would likely result in a far more healthy and enjoyable relationship.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- +1 y
As a 25-year-old virgin myself? Absolutely, yes.
As long as she's not waiting for marriage. Sorry but, that'd be a deal-breaker. I don't consider myself overly-religious despite being a youth pastor and I certainly wouldn't wait til marriage. I have a life to live.10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Of course I would. But I would like to know why. If she’s at least semi attractive there is no doubt she had plenty of opportunities to pop the cherry.
My only concern is if she had been abused as a child and that made her afraid of sex. That’s not a deal breaker of course. But it would be a challenge.
Also if she is seriously saving her virginity for marriage I would love that. It would be a diamond in the rough.00 Reply - +1 y
Yea if she is nice.
Honestly virginity doesn't matter to me. If she is a virgin its good. If she isn't I will be happy that I won't get cursed for giving her the first timer pain.00 Reply - +1 y
No. Only because it’s a life experience that is something that grows
the first time you have sex will unlock new interests that you may find inaccessible in a relationship00 Reply - +1 y
Absolutely, assuming she and I got along well and there was some spark of attraction.
In other words, I would not date her solely for being a virgin, but it also would not deter me in any way.00 Reply 2.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. If she is smart if she is happy if she has confidence if she's loving if she cares if she can smile yes I would date her
00 Reply- +1 y
Yes I would if you would if she was my type of woman
00 Reply - +1 y
Yeah, as long as she ticks the boxes.
I'm a virgin myself.00 Reply - +1 y
Men don’t mind oddly enough women don’t like virgin men.
00 Reply 2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. If I am attracted to her and have great chemistry and connection then yes I would
00 Reply351 opinions shared on Dating topic. I mean I'm a 30-year-old virgin so it's a match made in heaven. lol.
00 Reply4K opinions shared on Dating topic. I wanted to but she dumped me just before turning 24.
00 ReplySure... assuming she had a more emotional maturity than most of the non-virgin girls I've met of the same age.
00 Reply- +1 y
- +1 y
Yes; of course. Is this the same person? You really don't need to keep asking.
10 Reply 2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. yes, if I was near her age.
She might be a lot of fun on a date, and a nice person to be around.00 Reply- +1 y
Absolutely. I'm still a virgin and would prefer to date and marry a virgin.
00 Reply - +1 y
Doesn’t matter to me personality is 80% of the battle
00 Reply - +1 y
Ofc, why not? Actually i always prefer the virgin girl
00 Reply - +1 y
Ha! I'm 44, so the better question might be, Would a 25 year old virgin girl date me?
00 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. I would date any Single Girl that I find attractive.
00 Reply4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Sure that wouldn’t matter. Though I’d wonder why you waited so long. Religion?
00 Reply4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. My girlfriend was a 33 year old virgin when we first had sex.
00 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. yes... but... I'm a 71 year old man... so... lol... It's never gonna happen
00 Reply- +1 y
yes. why not. if she is nice (not by looks)(by her heart)
00 Reply 307 opinions shared on Dating topic. sure why not? So she is not a complete SLUT and has a moral compass.
00 Reply- +1 y
Yes, but I'm a man. Most women would NOT want a 25 year old virgin male.
00 Reply - +1 y
No, they generally aren’t sexually interested most of the time.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
Yeah I would as long as she isn’t waiting till marriage to have sex
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Yes I would and hopefully she is willing to have a sexual relationship or not abstain from sex
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
Girl ofc they will. That’s actually what they prefer
00 Reply - +1 y
I’m sure some men would gladly
10 Reply 16.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes, no man would say no.
00 Reply- +1 y
Sure would!! When does she wanna meet me?
00 Reply - +1 y
If we have a connection, sure.
00 Reply Why virginity is such a big deal there?
10 Reply- +1 y
If you found out wouldn't it be too late?
00 Reply - +1 y
Wouldn’t rule her out because of it
00 Reply 2.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. When i turn on 20, maybe till than nah
00 Reply- +1 y
Shure if she had a great personality
00 Reply 516 opinions shared on Dating topic. If she was nice - sure. No problem
00 Reply- +1 y
If she liked me yeah id love to
00 Reply 320 opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes but she is not likely to date me.
00 Reply- +1 y
TTV Sweaty King, yes i would
00 Reply - +1 y
has she ever had a boyfriend?
00 Reply - +1 y
Does she want to lose that virginity?
00 Reply Yeah. Whats wrong in it?
I do prefer virgins.00 ReplySure, I guess.
00 Reply- +1 y
00 Reply Yep.
00 ReplyNot date I’ll wife her
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
Well as long as she wasn't fanatical about it.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
if i were a guy yes
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
I prefer them as I am one too
00 Reply - +1 y
I would
00 Reply - +1 y
Sure, why not.
00 Reply 522 opinions shared on Dating topic. Sure, why not?
00 Reply- +1 y
If she was hot.
00 Reply 3.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes yes
00 Reply- +1 y
00 Reply 466 opinions shared on Dating topic. fucking yessss
00 Reply- Show More (17)
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