Dating a man with anxiety disorder: give it a chance or move on?


I'm a 28 years old woman with no previous relationship experience, I'm seeking a serious long term relationship and I recently met this special person, we've been dating for 2 months, he's a sweet, kind and very intelligent man, we clicked from our first meeting as we had a lot in common, physical attraction, same interests, we complete each other thoughts and were kinda on the same page emotionally, I'd say all the basics for a good relationship are there, it's also the first time I experience butterflies in my stomach in the presence of a man and developed true feelings for him, however during our meetings he would sometimes appear detached and sad as if something was bothering him, a couple of days ago he told me he was in therapy 10 years ago because of anxiety and intense fears, I felt touched that he opened up to me, I myself have my share of mental struggles which I told him about early on in the dating process cause I wanted to come clean to him, I understand it took him longer to tell me cause he felt pressured as a man to show no vulnerability and appear perfect to me, the thing is yesterday he confused me by telling me he's scared as things are getting real between us, he likes me but is scared to hurt me cause his anxiety makes him fear being in a relationship, he's been hurt before and his parents are pressuring him to settle down which freaks him out, he appeared truly depressed and started crying, he said he doesn't know what he wants anymore. Part of me feels for him, I just wanna hug him, support him and tell him everything's gonna be alright, but the other part fears it's a major red flag, he might not be ready for a relationship, is it even worth it to stay or should I move on? I don't think he's a player, I believe he is a genuine good person with issues, but I don't want to find myself in a "Situationship" where I'm more invested than him just to be hurt by somoene who won't commit, he made me feel unwanted and I sensed a dry treatment from him.

Dating a man with anxiety disorder: give it a chance or move on?
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