1.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. What are you talking about let me tell you something have you looked at models before I mean really looked at them I can tell you this I'm gag there's a couple hundred just normal girls and they are all better looking than 3/4 of your models out there so don't sell yourself short . And if you're smart who gives a f*** what men want you're the boss be that model don't say I can't do something when you're halfway there already become who you want to become he will follow believe me...
And just to let you know guys do not want models
For a housewife models aren't that great you know regular girls are great10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 3 d
Most men don’t… and most the men wanting that are going to be very disappointed when they either don’t get what they want… or they get a woman who has noting else going for her.
If they want to live in a marriage. Where he works 70 hours a week while she blows all the money on herself. Complains there isn’t enough money while also excusing her cheating on the fact that he’s working too much.
Sits around doing none of the childcare. None of the cleaning except maybe bare minimum. That’s what those men are going to end up getting.
12 Reply- Asker3 d
Yeah my ex left me for an ex girlfriend of his who does this. Uses him and abuses him n he goes right back to her
- 3 d
I’m sorry that’s his choice. Best thing for you to do is move on and pray for him. And hopefully find someone who appreciates you
2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Umm...
https://www.youtube.com/embed/6EqFVWzOfN8No one wants to be with someone they're not physically attracted to, right?
I don't know about "model" (because that implies the whole anorexic, imbalanced mess), but "modelesque" (good curves, takes care of herself, etc.) as opposed to someone who has let herself go? What's wrong with that?00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- Anonymous(36-45)4 d
I'll let you in on a little secret. . .
Men DO want a housewife who looks like a model.
They also want a girlfriend who looks like a model.
And a waitress who looks like a model.
A hairstylist who looks like a model.
A dentist who looks like a model.
A masseuse who looks like a model.
A delivery person who looks like a model.
An accountant who looks like a model.You see the pattern here? Guys like HOT girls. It's just how it is. Take any relationship, role, personal service, or job and it would ALWAYS be improved if the person delivering it is a hot girl.
15 Reply- Asker4 d
And so begins my revenge face journey
- Opinion Owner4 d
Hmmm. . . what exactly does your revenge face journey entail?
- Asker4 d
Better hairline, lip tint, eye brow shapes, teeth and jawline gua sha and face steaming for acne
- Asker4 d
Also lose extra weight
- Opinion Owner4 d
What's gua sha?
And yeah--getting into optimal shape will DEFINITELY help. Eat clean and lift!
2.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. Why should a guy settle for a woman who whines about it being too much work/effort to make herself look nice or show any respect for the man she's with? When you go out with a guy how you look is a reflection on him. Whether you have nice bone structure or not, if you go out in public looking like a homeless person it makes him look bad. Some guys understand this and aren't interested. That is LONG before you even get to the point of him considering you for a fiance role.
01 Reply- Asker3 d
Fair enough
- 4 d
why would anyone not "want" a partner who's hot? you do that too.
141 Reply- Asker4 d
I suppose I meant they sometimes go for someone who is just hot then complain about them not doing anything in the home
- 4 d
i have a hard time understanding what's wrong with expecing a "stay at home partner" (which i hope you meant when you said "house wife") to do some chores if they don't work to make money in your particular relationship. how does that even have anything to do with how that particular wife looks? does being hot somehow free you of the responsibility to do anything or something?
- Asker4 d
I had a guy tell me how he wants to date me because I know house chores instead of his lazy ex girlfriend which results in him doing everything. And then he left me to go work things out with her. At this point, what do men want? You can't get everything in 1 woman. Just pick 1 woman and be happy. Gave me false hopes of me being in a relationship with him
- 4 d
"and then he left you to go work things out with her"? what? i don't know what that even means. it just seems like this dude was weird and you should probably not take him as a representative example of what "men" want in general.
what men in general do want is pretty clear. they want a hot woman to be their wife. i think that's pretty universal. and then some guys like the traditional thing where the wife stays home and does the chores and some guys prefer a more modern arrangement, where both work and do chores. i guess that sums it up. i mean it's not far of what women want is it? so you can just derive that from how you think yourself.
- Asker4 d
Yeah, he's fucking weird
- Asker4 d
Where do I find good men then?
- 4 d
they're everywhere. the thing is tho: the bad ones are more in your face and trying to get with you. cause you know how you have to put less effort to get a less attractive man interested?
men of course understand that dynamic so if they know they have less to bring to the table, they will compensate by trying really hard to convince you being really obvious to you, while the guys who actually bring value will try less hard and be not as obvious to you. - Asker4 d
🥲🥲🥲🥲 yeah, its hard to resist someone you like who isn't good for you and is trying hard to convince you 😭
- 4 d
well the harder it is to get a more attractive persons attention, the harder they'll try. you kind of do the same too. so if someone is trying really hard, you already know that they know that you're better than what they can usually pull xD
- 4 d
like if you know you can very easily get the attention of a guy who's much hotter, you won't try hard. men do the same.
- Asker4 d
You have been fun to talk to :)
- 4 d
if at first they really don't try a lot and then slowly they seem to increase their effort, i think that's an indication that they actually liked you more once they got to know you, so more for who you are and less for just superficial reasons. so that would be a good sign.
- Asker4 d
I thought I saw that in my ex. I guess I should ask More questions next time for example is there anyone that thinks they're in a relationship with you
- 4 d
thanks :) i'm trying :D
- 4 d
i mean "is thee anyone that thinks they're in a relationship with you" is a weird sort of question. like what if you had some sort of weirdo who's after you and who doesn't get the message that you're not interested and then a guy asks you " do you have anyone who thinks they're in a relationship with you" xD
if you're looking for someone who's loyal, you can't figure that out with words. you gotta watch what they're doing. - Asker4 d
My ex told me after a week of dating that he still lives with his ex girlfriend and after he told her we're getting serious she started acting crazy and wouldn't let him go. She started latching onto him and causing drama in our relationship. Some more stuff happened and our relationship really soured out in the process. I don't understand why he'd pick crazy over me. I've read some reddit posts of people confessing that they feel bad for the new person they saw while being unsure about how to handle a crazy ex/girlfriend/boyfriend... I've had a brain fog since. she's the typical suicide/fake emotional blackmail/fake assault claims n domestic violence type
- 4 d
yeah. lesson learned then? don't date guys who are still living witht heir ex or who are still married no matter how mucht hey tell you that they're not together. cause either they still are somewhat together or the remnants of their relationship will still bother them for such a long time to go that it's not worth it for you. like it's not easy to know if there's someone in their life that they're not quite over yet but those are quite obvious red flags xD
- 4 d
i mean also even just mentioning an ex in like the first few dates is a slight red flag.
- Asker4 d
Yes, thats why i didn't ask about the ex in the 1st date but after this experience iam going to. I've been through a lot emotionally
- 4 d
so let's do this. tell me how you'd ask this and i'll tell you what i'd think if a girl asked me that on a first date. cause it doesn't seem like a good idea to me. i know what you're trying to achieve bit i think you might not be aware what the consequences are.
- Asker4 d
I'd say that I want to ask a personal question and then ask if they are still dating someone or married to someone or living with someone they were romantically involved with. I'll explain that my ex put me in an uncomfortable situation when he kept that from he. He first told me he lived with a guy and the story kept changing till he broke it off with me and told me he's still dating the other girl after she caused drama for us and of course this story also changed many times...
- 4 d
ok. so if i'm on a date with a girl and she does have that exact conversation with me, i'll probably just answer so you think you're good. but what i'll think is: jees she really got baggage. she's really going out of their way to compensate her bad past experience by making our experience kind of bad. like from my perspective, i can understand that you had a bad experience and you don't want to have this experience again and you're asking this cause you're trying to make sure not to have such an experience again but by bringing that thing up from your past, you're kind of making our present right now a bit worse, which to me would be i'd say an "orange" flag. not big red flag but kinf of a downer.
- 4 d
do you know what i mean? you're kind of not treating me like a new chapter. like a new individual person. you're treating me as if i may be as bad as your last experience. which i do understand from your perspective i may be. but that does feel bad to me.
- Asker4 d
Yeah, i used to judge people like that until this encounter. I gues iam more emphatic now. I understand why you'd say that. Yes i have lots of baggage now because of him. I started therapy after him because I felt emotionally neglected when he did that and then i stopped therapy because it was too expensive.. now all i seek help from is free YouTube videos
- Asker4 d
Yes i know what you mean when you say "not treating me like a new chapter" this was the average conversation and thing me and my ex boyfriend fought over. .. i need serious healing before I can date again
- 4 d
yeah. see. i'm just trying to reflect that to you. like i'm not saying i'm a great catch xD but i'd be put of by this and if i was someone you really wanted, you'd kind of worsen your chances.
- Asker4 d
But I'd rather be bw honest from the beginning because one day they'll hear about this. I think I should disclose
- 4 d
well you can be honest. it's just strategically not the best idea to release all your baggage on someone who never met you before before showing them all the things that are great about you. cause you're really not selling "being with you" to them if you do that xD and that's basically what you should do on a first date to not deter bad choices. the very first few dates are there for you to try and have a really good time. and if let's say on the third date it turns out he's married or has some crazy ex who's still livng with him, you can ditch him then. but at least you had a great time for dates before that right?
- 4 d
and selling yourself is a good thing. cause why would you even want a guy who is interested in you only knowing the bad shit about you? xD that's a sign that he's a really low quality guy himself. so you're really not winning anything with that in my opinion.
- Asker4 d
See, I fall in love on the first date so... 👀. Maybe iam sensitive
- Asker4 d
I value your opinion. Thank you
- 4 d
yeah if you "fall in love" on the first date, that's really something you should continue to see a therapist for if you can. like you can not possibly know enough about them to legitimate "feeling in love" with them. you gotta understand that what you love is really not them. what you love is the idea of them that you have in your head. this is always true even for people who are married for 50 years. the difference is that on the first date it is extremely unlikely that your idea of them is actually accurate.
- Asker4 d
I knew my ex for about 6 months as a good friend. He was interested in me the whole time but i needed more time to know him and be comfortable. Eventually he specifically tells me his romantic feelings and i ask to meet. I tell him my feelings too and its a date as we previously discussed. Everything went smooth but I didn't like the crazy ex girlfriend drama. Called it off then I tried to understand his pov... it went on like that for a while but it reached a point where it damaged my mental health so now this is where I am at.
- 4 d
so at what point down that line did you learn about his crazy ex girlfriend and the fact that he's living with her still?
- Asker4 d
2nd date
- Asker4 d
I broke it off when she acted like they were still together and i was the 3rd person and he got sad and then i got sad. Then on i tried to be understanding but it was too much. I got angry and guy asked me to respect him even when iam angry but I told him it was getting difficult to do so
- 4 d
so only after you had known him for 6 months cause you said that's when you started dating? that's crazy. but like wouldn't it be a more sensible strategy to just ditch them if you hear anything about some ex situation instead of throwing all your baggage at them on the first date? i mean usually you don't know people for several months before the first date. like if you had known them for such a long time before the first date, i can understand hy you're in love in that particular situation on the first date already.
- 4 d
like if i'm dating a girl and there's anything with another guy that she still somehow has to do with, i'm out. fuck that. not dealing with that.
- Asker4 d
Yes, we were friends first. Some of us like to date our friends after getting to know them.
Its difficult to strategize when you're coming from a place of love especially when you fall in love with someone you were friends with.. you'll want to be more courteous because they're someone you're familiar with as compared to a date with someone you don't know that well - 4 d
yeah i can understand that. i've been there XD but my experience with dating "friends" is terrible so i'm not doing that anymore. it only ends in pain and loss of friends. i understand you can't help falling for someone but i personally will just cut them off in that case. it sucks but i'm not gonna go through that pain again xD
- Asker4 d
Yeah unnecessary drama
- 3 d
Models are usually fu*ked up bitches. The cute dorky girls are what I want. Beautiful women are usually pretty ugly inside.
11 Reply- Asker3 d
Ex boyfriend said this then gave into toxic emotional blackmail and abuse his ex did to get him back from me
- 3 d
Where are you getting that idea from? In general, we don't want an excessively overweight woman or a hoe who's gonna cheat on us, but that's about it.
00 Reply 921 opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes that's what the data says men are too picky lol.
00 Reply5K opinions shared on Dating topic. You can't understand why someone wants an attractive partner that does house chores? If you came home to a 10/10 stud that kept the house in order and made you meals don't you think you would be happy about it
00 Reply1.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. And women want a guy who is over 6 ft tall, with the body of an athlete, the bank account of a millionaire, the looks of a movie star, and a one foot dick.
02 Reply- Asker4 d
Not all of them
1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Well they have time to do it. So I think they should
00 Reply- 4 d
No, you just need to look pretty not a super model.
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)4 d
Not me, I like sporty girls who look fit & toned (athletic but not extremely muscular).
00 Reply Women want to hot men too. I thing its equal.
04 Reply- Asker4 d
Yeap and it sucks to be on the opposite end searching for your soulmate
- Asker4 d
- Anonymous(45 Plus)4 d
Because that's the narrative you've created in your head.
00 Reply I wish they'd take a good look at themselves before asking for anything
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)4 d
He want her looks like a madel only in night on the bed.
00 Reply 1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Men might want this but they aren’t getting it.
00 Reply2.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Like girls don't want the same shit
00 Reply
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