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First cousins? I would not do anything. It's family, bro.
I do like one of them.
How old are you? And her age? This is almost your sister, right? The child of your father or mother's sibling. It's tempting but I wouldn't. When I was about 16, my sister and I both had a crush on pone of my male cousins. He was tall, very intelligent, and was handsome. No way! He is the son of my past aunt. I remember telling her before she died, "We had a crush on Michael when we were girls". She couldn't believe it and laughed.
They're not related to me.
Tell them that you are not interested
I am interested.
Your cousins or the girls are cousins to each other?
Cousins to each other.
@asker You want the right answer or the fun answer?
Drive the hot one crazy by messing around with the ugly one.
Nothing. They are family.
I do like one of em.
Double the fun!
Do them both and see which one you prefer.
Have fun