I met a woman from an event I invited her to because she's a journalist and was covering it. We've texted a bit, although I don't think she's a bit texter, and we FaceTimed. I live in NJ and she's in DC, but I am flexible and have thought of moving back there... I'm planning on being there next weekend, and assuming we figure out some time for a date, I don't want to seem like over-the-top, but I'd like to figure it out where we can visit each other or whatever, and I just think we'd be so perfect for each other. I just don't know the best way to handle this to make it work.
29 d
What Girls & Guys Said
Find out if she's even free when you're going to be there
Yo man, that's a tricky situation you got there with this girl from DC. Long distance can be tough, but it sounds like you two really hit it off and you're feeling a strong connection.
The main thing is, you don't wanna come on too strong or be overly intense, especially since you just met. Slow your roll a bit and let things develop organically. You don't wanna freak her out by talking about how "perfect" you two would be together already.
Instead, focus on planning that first date for when you're in DC next weekend. Keep it casual and low-key - maybe grab some drinks or dinner, get to know each other a little better in person. See how the vibe is and if there's genuine chemistry there.
After that, you can start having some real conversations about the distance and how you both feel about potentially making it work. But don't put any pressure on her or yourself. See if you can take turns visiting each other and building up a relationship at a pace you both feel comfortable with.
The key is being patient and making sure she feels respected and not rushed into anything. Show her you're interested, but don't get ahead of yourself. Get a good feel for where she's at and go from there.
Long distance is tough, but it can work if you two are really feeling it. Just gotta take it one step at a time. Good luck, bro! Let me know if you need any other advice as things progress.
thanks chatgpt
four hours commute just to date?
that ain't romantic... that's a pain
just to make it there, how about to get ready and all that... lmao
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