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+1 y

Is there a sport/athletic event that you believe women could consistently beat men at? If so, what event?

Besides the obvious differences in speed, strength and flexibility between males and females, I googled other physical aspects like accuracy, muscle endurance and reflexes and I found the... Sports

+1 y

On a scale of ten being highest, how subjective is beauty for you?

A 10. This means that I first have to find a woman beautiful to look deeper into our potential together, if underneath this beauty I didn't find intelligence and compassion, then bye bye! So,... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Would you date a supermodel?

I wouldn't because I already know women who are as beautiful as super models if not more (Tall, slender and pretty), and their world doesn't revolve around fashion. Dating

+1 y

Should I forgot him or wait longer him?

You should forget him, he's not the same guy who used to pursue you anymore. Clearly his interest has shifted away from you. You should willingly shift your interest away as well. I know it's a... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Favorite nail polish color?

Personally I prefer no nail polish whatsoever.. So I guess if you have to wear it, I'd like it's color to be same as the natural nail color. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

How can I be a confident woman?

Have something up your sleeve, figuratively I mean.. know something that most people don't, have a skill that most people don't have.. you get me? Girl's Behavior

+1 y

My African Female Neighbor İs Constantly Looking At Me?

I feel you bud, African queens are F irresistible, but you don't wanna do this, cuz the lust will grow and it will get messy, you know why the lust will grow? Because you don't think it would, so... Relationships

+1 y

How to overcome a heartbreak?

With a break up you lose a big part of your life, because with a relationship a big part of your day revolves around your partner so when you lose your partner they leave that part empty and that... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Help! Why does he KEEP bringing this up?

It's possibly because he feels guilty about what he did to the "kid" and he wants you to tell him it was okay I knew you had good intentions and make him feel better about what he did somehow. Now... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Do you support gays?

This picture alone is making me sick.. I don't support gayness one bit, I believe it should be treated, but I would never hate on a gay person or a trans or anyone, and I would generally support... Relationships

+1 y

Shall I propose to her again?

Don't, cuz you don't seem sure about her. Relationships

+1 y

Why do I want to laugh at this guy?

Well his personality intrigued you, he didn't get offended that you rejected him he took it well and you thought that's interesting, also you feel a little sorry for thinking he's ugly but you... Flirting

+1 y

I'm 24 (turning 25 in October) and my mom keeps treating me like I'm weird because I'm not married yet. Am I doing something wrong?

Nothing is wrong with you, she's just worried that you would get older and regret not having a husband but I believe that's illogical, when the time comes you will naturally open yourself up for... Dating

+1 y

The meaning behind these questions?

Well this most likely indicates that he's not that attractive, and you probably are, that's why people are asking because they think you're out of his league which doesn't happen often, so it's a... Dating

+1 y

Is it possible to go out alone with getting approached?

Easy. First step, avoid eye contact with people at all costs. Second step, when someone approaches you make them say hey more than one time even though you hear them don't reply and when you... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Is it possible to fall in love with someone's voice?

Of course the voice communicates words, and words are a consequent of charisma and personality, so you fell in love with his personality not his voice. Dating

+1 y

How come my younger brother is already taller than me?

Haha, that's the cutest thing I read today. You're already as tall as the average height of women in the world, which is 160 cm of height. Don't worry, you will continue to grow as you're... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How can I stop judging my slutty friend?

Nothing out of the ordinary from your end of this relationship, keep doing what you do as long as she keeps doing what she does. You obviously care for her, that's why her behavior bothers you.... Family & Friends

+1 y

Do you find Candice Swanepoel attractive?

Don't know here, but she seems very sexy. Fashion & Beauty

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