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+1 y

What's the difference between AP classes and accelerated classes?

Accelerated classes are classes where they teach all the material in a short amount of time and AP classes are college level courses that the college you attend in the future might you give you... Education & Career

+1 y

Is this subway sandwich too much to be eating once a week?

It's not too much for one week. You would have to make sure your total calorie intake doesn't go above 2000 calories and your fat intake doesn't go above 60 grams. Food & Beverage

+1 y

How often do you eat meat?

I eat meat almost everyday. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Pizza vs Ice Cream?

Pizza because it's healthier than ice cream. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Are women more attracted to guys who act disinterested in them?

I don't think that's true about all women. But there have been a lot of girls who were attracted to me even though I was clearly not interested in any of them... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Would u date outside ur race?

No, I wouldn't date inside my race either because I'm asexual and aromantic. Relationships

+1 y

If a man hit your sister when she hit him first, what would you do?

If I had a sister and that happened, I would beat him up. I don't care who started it. Family & Friends

+1 y

Which steed would you ride into battle?

Elephant, so it can crush people. Other

+1 y

Who's more afraid of spiders, men or women?

I'm not scared of them. I noticed that girls are more afraid of spiders. Society & Politics

+1 y

Are women better athletes than men?

Nope, not at all. Other

+1 y

Should I draw for free?

Yes, it would be a great hobby for you. Education & Career

+1 y

What do you think about polygamy?

It's not wrong. It doesn't matter what consenting adults decide to do as long as they don't negatively impact others. Society & Politics

+1 y

Anyone else grossed out when a girl farts?

It's gross if anyone farts. Other

+1 y

General Relaxation Massage. Do you prefer same or opposite gender massage therapist? Or does it matter?

Neither. I don't like massages or anything similar to that because I don't want anyone touching me. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do men care if they are sexually harassed by women?

If it's not welcomed, then it's sexual harassment. If it's welcomed, then it's not sexual harassment. If someone were to be harassed, they would care because, by definition, they are being subject... Other

+1 y

Could you date a former sugar baby?

Nope because I'm aromantic and asexual. Dating

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