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Explaining Art: Well, Does It Evoke Emotion?

I just had a very infuriating discussion with somebody on here (really I replied once to them and they answered, still with the dame opinion, yet annoying me further) So, I decided I'd make my point here because there are some seriously ignorant people around. Well, according to Google, art is;...

+1 y

Who Should Pay For That Date?

Bloody heck I'm sick of seeing these question sand takes all over the place. So now, to save me from having to post my opinion on every Tom, Dick and Harrys thing to say, this is what I think! I'm more right than any of you losers! (Excuse me. I've been watching gradeAunderA a little too much...

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A Few Small Tips on Handling Anxiety

Hallo, everybody. Been a while since I last made a half way decent take. I am supposed to be working right now so if this one doesn't turn out to be any good, let's go ahead and blame it on that. So, I have anxiety. I'm not diagnosed, but trust me. When you have it, you know you have it. There...

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Listen to Your Listener

Essentially for the whole of my life so far, I've been and used as a listener. What this means is that I'm that person you go to so you have that chance to vent. Which is fine, I'm happy to let you unload your problems, I'm happy to take them on as mine for the small while that you want to...

+1 y

7 Myths About Infertility

So I am currently dealing with the knowledge that by the time I'm thirty, I will be infertile. I have twelve years to have children. It seems like a long time but when you think about it . . . it's not long at all. I'm not about to rush into having kids though, because if I have them too soon,...

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Weird Songs I Grew Up Loving.

For the purpose of this take, the definition of weird is going to be songs I owned that were alone on a disk or were in a mix, that I liked and listened to over, but were entirely separate in terms of sound and genre than what I would usually listen to. In no particular order....

+1 y

Why Women Are Rude to Men

-Disclaimer. This is not my writing, I have permission from the author, Gypsirose, from Fetlife, to post this here- You hear it all the time. Women never answer my messages. She's stuck up. She thinks she's better than everyone else. All I did was say hi and she told me to fuck off! It's sad and...

+1 y

My Personal Favourite Kids Shows

Yes, these are still my favourite kids shows. The ones you still see nowadays I will exclude from this list, such as Pokemon and Thomas the Tank Engine etc. (Pokemon is still on free to air right? I'm sure it is) A few on this list might still be around, but as I don't have pay TV (and will...

+1 y

I Guess You are Human. (Personal)

DISCLAIMER: This is not an informational piece, or advice column or even an opinion piece. This is me needing an out, and choosing this as my medium. If you want a backstory you either make one up or go to the effort of reading each previous take and question that I have posted. You may find a...

+1 y

Nonsensical mutterings

--Useless writing ahead. Void of any facts or advice or any other useful things. Proceed only if you are exceedingly bored-- It's ten to six in the afternoon. I got home at ten past two. I haven't seen anybody since. I took the train. I got to the station with a half minute to spare before the...

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Why I am Happy with my Body

There's something I don't understand. Among all this body positivity shit you have people asking questions. Things like "what's your favourite body type?" "What's your dream body?" "If you could have any body, what would it be?" I don't get it. But then, I don't get most body positivity messages...

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A Go At Photoshop

I remember year nine in I.T we were recquired to make a monster out of our faces with photoshop. I turned myself into a vampire. I would show you the result but apparenlty 2GB USBs don't last for years on end. And I don't know where it is. So, I can't show you. I remember getting an A+ for it...

+1 y

That's So (not) Gay!

This mostly applies to my school, but I have been hearing quite often people around me calling others gay, or calling a situation gay, in a derogative way. I don't understand why people do this. Gay was never defined as an insult until people began using it as one. It's original meaning is...

+1 y

My Best Feelings in Life

So, I've seen quite a few of these around. A lot of them will have more physical feelings, such as taking off your shoes after a long day on your feet. Or taking off your bra, or removing the 'cup' for male sports players. A good nights sleep is almost always on the list. But mine is going to be...

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One Flirting Tip

Okay, so truth be told I've never been flirted with (well, and realised they were flirting that is) and never deliberately flirted with anybody. So feel free to shoot this idea down. I had an idea a few moments ago, I was thinking about people flirting or reading a myTake about flirting or...

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5 Things I Believed as a Child

1. If you pull an eyelash out it won't grow back (I was once upon a time in the habit of pulling my eyelash's out. Don't ask why, just a nervous habit I guess. I stopped pretty much the moment I was told this however.) 2. If you pick your nose your finger will get stuck (Another habit I had as...

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Sometimes the Abuser Isn't to Blame

Wow I can just hear some people yelling at me for daring to say that. But it's true. Let me tell you a story. - When I was eleven I was playing 'soft toys' with a friend who was I think eight. One of the toys we were using belonged to my little brother. It was this stuffed jaguar our dad won at...

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In Separate Bubbles

My stepmother found something I wrote as a child one year. I was fourteen when she found it. Eight when I wrote it. "I think different to everyone around me." She instantly turned to me and told me I was no better than anyone else. If anything . . . Well. There's a reason my self esteem isn't as...

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My All Time Top Ten Songs

This is another favourite song take. Yes. But not one for my current favourites. This top ten, is my top ten favourites of all time. So not fads. You won't find any new songs here (New this year) but ones from further back. Without further ado, in no particular order:...

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Crocodile Tears (Why Kids Cry)

Whelp. School is back. Back to work. And stress. And crying from stress. Crying. Hm. So today I cried in two classes, yes, I will admit that I, a seventeen year old who should really be more emotionally stable, cried, not once, but twice, maybe even three times today at school. I blame the heat,...

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