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+1 y

How do you look "ripped" or "cut"?

We used the term "Jacked" up here in New England, haha. Health & Fitness

+1 y

I'm doing a lot better today, Tell me a joke?

We're from near Boston so I'll throw ya some Irish jokes An Irish priest is driving down to New York and gets stopped for speeding in Connecticut. The state trooper smells alcohol on the... Other

+1 y

Post relatable memes about anything? Other

+1 y

Were/are you a naive teenager?

I'd say no, I've been through some shit that's really opened my eyes Society & Politics

+1 y

Am I making gains or what?

Nice Job, Mario! Keep up the good work! Health & Fitness

+1 y

9/11 - Where were you?

I don't remember 9/11 or what I was doing, because I was only about 9 months old at the time, but I was probably asleep or slobbering all over my favorite stuffed animal. However, I do... Trending & News

+1 y

How do introverts feel dating an extrovert? What was your experience like?

My boyfriend and I are both pretty severe introverts, which has its problems. Dating

+1 y

Girls, Who would swallow a baby chick for 1million dollars?

I'm a vegetarian, so maybe 1 mil is enough. Can I spit it back up? Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Should Obese kids be taken from their parents by social services and put into fat camps to give them healthy diets & exercise until they lose weight?

Well first of all, almost none of those kids are obese. Overweight? yes. Obese? fuck no. Second. CPS can't handle their real cases, why dump more on them? This isn't nearly as pressing of an... Society & Politics

+1 y

What Do You Think About Morbidly Obese People?

I'm usually like "how the fuck do you get to be that big?" Health & Fitness

+1 y

Has cancer affected you or someone you care about?

One of my mom's best friends had breast cancer, as did a friend of mine's mother. Health & Fitness

+1 y

What would you do if there clowns running around in your neighborhood?

Someone is getting his ass kicked by me, maybe a friend or two if we're together. If something startles or scares me its, at the very least, going to get punched in the face Trending & News

+1 y

Maroon 5 vs One direction, who's best?

I don't really find anything meaningful in either bands lyrics, but I admit Adam has an amazing vocal range, and 1 Direction does not... So I guess Maroon 5 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Isn't the word human offensive?

Well, it is woMAN, so we might need to change that Society & Politics

+1 y

I want to skip church, but my mom makes me go unless I have a fever. Is it possible to fool the thermometer?

Drink hot water (101-103 degrees) right before she takes your temperature, and keep some of it in your mouth. Then, put the tip of the thermometer in the water in your mouth. For a long-term... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do girls idolize Kylie Jenner so much? Don't they realize that everything about her is FAKE?

I certaintly don't, I prefer people like Patrick Stump, Vic and Mike Fuentes, and Pete Wentz because they have talent. Now, if you're only referring to some girls, which I assume you are, it's... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you have depression or anxiety? or both?

I've never been properly diagnosed with either, but I've got a pretty big suspicion that I have both. The anxiety is bad when the depression isn't and vice versa Health & Fitness

+1 y

I hear voices all the time?

Agreeing with @WalterRadio it might be something similar to my lack of sleep paralysis. I squirm, kick, and flail my arms in my sleep, but I somehow wake up unscathed I'd wager that what you... Health & Fitness

+1 y

USA gymnast Laurie Hernandez got to meet her crush, who would YOU like to meet?

Wellllllllllllllll, I had the opportunity to meet 2 of the 4 members of All Time Low, and my buddy and I are going to meet all 4 of them together next month at a signing, so I got to do that an it... Trending & News

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