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+1 y

Guys, physically, what does your dream girl look like?

My dream girl would be 5'6"-5'8", curvy with a bit of meat on her, and I love unnaturally colored hair and tats and piercings, so that would be cool. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Which body shape is the most attractive to you?

Any kind really. I do have a preference for curvier women, but that's more a touch thing than appearance. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is Male Privilege a myth?

Definitely not, but as a female I have privileges too. Mine aren't really significant, I can get people to do things for me that I'm unable to, and I can find appearance based jobs pretty easily,... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why is promiscuity frowned upon?

Out dated opinions travel down the ages unfortunately. Just have consensual sex with who you want, use protection, get checked for stds regularly, and if anyone judges you hop in bed with their... Society & Politics

+1 y

Guys, does the "no contact" rule work on men, making you want us more?

Really wouldn't suggest this unless you're in high school. This will usually backfire unless you find a guy who's really desperate. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Would you date someone who doesn’t like your pet?

Not a chance. I don't even have friends who don't like my dog. He's basically the only child I'll ever have, so he gets all of that maternal affection I'll never get to give to a human child.... Dating

+1 y

What are your opinions on stretch marks?

I love them. It's like a beautiful little road map showing the journey your body has gone on. And has anyone else notice that stretch marks are really soft and velvety? I like to run my fingers... Other

+1 y

What do you think about plastic surgery?

It's not my body, it isn't my decision. When I see someone with plastic surgery, I see someone that hated their body and changed it so that they could love themselves. No different than someone... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

If I opened a restaurant would you eat my food?

Start with a food truck with low prices and work your way up. Food trucks can make bank by choosing the right location. The one outside my office gets customers almost non stop because they rented... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you use cutesy names/terms of endearment with your partner?

I usually only use terms of endearment with friends. I'm more comfortable sharing platonic love than romantic for some reason. Relationships

+1 y

Girls that keep their head down when walking past a guy?

It could be a lot of things. Fear, dislike, not interested, etc. It may have nothing to do with the guy at all. I can't look at anyone when I'm walking alone, it just feels insanely awkward and... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do girls find skinny-fat guys attractive?

Dad bods for the win Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you get along better with the same gender or opposite gender?

I feel like I get along better with men because I care more about what women think about me. I don't give a shit if guys see me negatively, but I just want to impress women so they make me nervous... Society & Politics

+1 y

Any good game on PS4 ?

Have you tried skyrim? I'm not much of a console player, but skyrim was the first ps game I actually enjoyed playing. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Would you break up with your partner if they gained weight?

I wouldn't mind if he gained weight honestly. He's insanely thin and I'm chubby, the size difference just feels awkward sometimes 😂 Health & Fitness

+1 y

What’s a good outfit to wear for a house party?

Wear something casual but cute. Even a t shirt and a nice pair of leggings or something works, it doesn't need to be super thought out. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do we give children too many trophies?

Awhile ago I would say no, but then I got to see just how bratty some of the asshole kids get when they're not given things for doing something they should be doing anyway, so now I see why... Society & Politics

+1 y

Has a dick pic ever worked on you?

Literally never. Even if the dick is big, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of disrespecting me like that. You wouldn't whip your dick out and plop it on a bench next to a strange woman... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

What are your thoughts on open relationships?

I'm not into open relationships, but I'm all about a polygamous one. Share the love. Relationships

+1 y

Why is my boyfriend ashamed of me?

Either he's ashamed of your race, or you're the side hoe. Leave him asap girl, you don't deserve that. Dating

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