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+1 y

Why do people like drinking alcohol?

It helps people overcome social inhibitions--for better--or worse!! Shy people can approach strangers much more easily after a little pick-me-up Food & Beverage

+1 y

Does she look like a dominant girl?

Nah, she looks like Weinstein groupie. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Can you describe what a "too independent" or "too free spirited" woman is like? What makes her such?

I think you’re referring to Frenchwomen. Inner strength, emotional honesty, many-sided spiritual integrity. Personally I’ve never met a woman ‘too’ free spirited. If you expect monogamous... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why do I never get approached by guys?

Guys are intimidated these days and are hesitant to approach someone they have’t known a long time. So, as is often the case these days, YOU will have to take the initiative! Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Do guys like low maintenance girls?

If ou want honesty and loyalty, you stay away from high maitenance (gold-digging) girls. Actually all those photos look like high very high maintenance models! Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

When do you usually go to the gym?

I try to go when the pretty zumba teacher has her class. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Selfies with cleavage—slutty or nah?

Of course it’s slutty. That’s why they do it. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Are there anymore high-quality loyal women today?

Those cultural values today are found mainly in small town girls among the native born, but in the USA, in the urban majority, almost entirely among Asian women, or the unassimilated Latinas.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do men like bad girls?

Heck no--but they are fun to play with. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

How many countries have you visited? Which one (s)?

I’ve been to all Western Europe and Serbia, Croatia, Russia. Also Lebanon, Iran, Thailand, Japan, China Travel

+1 y

Who does @PoliceLivesMatter should be with?

Not sure what the issue is, either. But i”ll go Papavera who seems honest. Other

+1 y

Do you think it's okay for the tourists to go topless/naked (at the beach) in a Muslim country?

Absolutely not, or any other country where that behavior is not welcome.. as in most of eastern Europe or Britain... most of the United States It shows a lack of respect for the people of the... Trending & News

+1 y

Guys, have you tasted breast milk?

I think you mean, ‘recently.’ Hey almost all of us tasted it as newborns! Other

+1 y

Would you date someone taller than you?

, Sure, as a teen, I kept company with taller girls. Of course I was looked upon as a freak--I was the only one in my school or ever did that!!! But no regrets!!! Dating

+1 y

How often do you drink alcohol (and read below to answer my other question)?

You’re overthinking the situation. Wait until he does something foolish before worrying about alcoholism!!! Food & Beverage

+1 y

Since it's Valentine's Day, who is getting some action tonight?

Well, if the wife isn’t in the mood, there are the girls from the gym!!! Valentine's Day

+1 y

Why does it feel like women are being condemned for wearing makeup?

It ‘s not the makeup, it’s the on-the-make. Women present themselves but somehow want to attract attention only from Big Daddies and give the rest of us cold stares and lectures on women’s rights... Society & Politics

+1 y

Women dress for themselves, not to look good for others. True Or False?

Women dress according to the dictates of fashion and don’t think about how men react Lingerie isn’t clothing so that doesn’t count here. Now Italianen do dress to get women’s attention!!! Society & Politics

+1 y

Australians- Are you going to stay up and watch the Super blue blood moon tonight?

Trying to watch from China but it’s too overcast and snowing now Trending & News

+1 y

How would you feel if your ex returned all the gifts you bought them?

I’d feel that she was trying to ‘clean the slate’. I’d be fine with it. Since it turned out she did not DESERVE them Break Up & Divorce

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