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Hillary, Thy Name is Arrogance

Whether or not she's indicted for irregularities with her e mail, the sheer arrogance of plotting invasions of other countries, and overthrowing and murdering their leaders (whatever one may think of them) on a public e mail account, shows she thinks she is above the law, both domestically and...

+1 y

Stalkers are more common than even zombies?

I address this My Take to girls NOT because I don't care or don't know about guys being's happened to me! I just don't want to have the responses clogged up with the claque of male feminists that troll Gag these latter days. Guys who want to respond can PM me, I'm not one of the...

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To Text Or Not To Text: That Is The QUESTION...

PRIMO: Is the other person a textie? Not everyone likes that mode of communication, especially if you're trying to interest them romantically..ASK thee before you send texts that may not be read, or that will likely be seen as an irritant, even if YOU think they are so charming. SECONDO: De...

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The Female Violence Privilege: Isn't it Time to Let It Go?

The Female Privilege for using violence is usuallly limited to open handed face slapping, but it still is in force for most of us. Just today on Gag I read an answer to a question about whether flirting amounts to 'cheating', and a girl answered in the affirmative and said (I don't have the...

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There IS karma, and there is NO escaping it!

There is still a female privilege to use violence in many circumstances. My 'friend' Anne often takes advantage of these vestiges of gallantry. We had an, ahem, disagreement about some things, such as hitting on her friend, reading her e mail, spreading gossip about her, and most of all pinching...

+1 y

How long can you watch your back!...Because someone may be preparing to attack from behind!

Sometimes people spend years plotting to get back at you for something you didn't even know bothered them very much! You probably aren't that kind of person. But they are out there. Any tiny slight is enough to get them to try to 'get' you, and if someone is motivated to spend tons of time and...

+1 y

Those girls out there: They aren't crazy, they're ANGRY

When we guys are confronted with unexplained female emotional outbursts, we are usually quick to resort to the label 'crazy', adding a few other attributes after that word. But often, the explanation for these explosions is latent ANGER, anger not tied to any recent words or action that can be...

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We all have PTSD when it comes to relationships

Most of us have been through heartache, breakups, seemingly incomprehensible emotional outbursts, and if we haven't, yet, our partner almost certainly HAS. Most of us don't live our lives in small villages, where we share a common history, cultural values, and know everything about everyone, We...

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What's wrong with real girls? Aren't they better than Photoshop fantasies?

I've never been a fan of tabloid girls; even as a teenager, I wasn't fascinated by Playboy or similar magazines the other guys hid from their parents. I don't know the names of Victoria Secret models, and I don't go to porn sites. Nor do I follow female movie stars, or read the entertainment...

+1 y

Quick ways to get blocked on Gag. Feel free to add your own

1. Tell any 16 year old it's not ok to stay out until 3 am at pick-up clubs 2. Tell any 15 year old it's not ok to date a guy who is 25. 3. Tell a girl 5'3" and 170 pounds she is 'heavy.' I kid you not, this just happened to me! 4. Tell any girl she is attention seeking. 5. Contradict any...

+1 y

To get real world answers, ask some REAL WORLD questions!

You want to really communicate?  Ask a focused question! Let's admit it:  Many questions are general, vague and repetitive: Does he like me? Why does she always look at me? Should I play hard to get? Why did she dump me without warning? Unless there's an actual situation presented, we're...

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'Old friends' for too long means you can never be lovers; and maybe can't even stay friends!

Why can't 'old friends' stay friends? Of course, every relationshp is different, and some people CAN bring off long term friendships with the opposite sex without complications.  But it's not the way to bet!   As my father used to say. If you keep company for too long, share secrets that only...

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Blind dates vs Online Dating, Which Is Better?

For those of us from the 'old school', there was the blind date. AS with online dating, usually we didn't know anything but self-serving promotions from the potential date, if that!!!! We went on such dates usually at the urging of a friend, and with few expectations, even though we had a...

+1 y

The Danger of Being Alone & Loneliness

People who are unhappy often try to hide it from friends and family, and with something chronic like depression they get years of practice at deception. Often even spouses are surprised when some sort of crisis arises and suddenly everyone scratches their heads and says, "I had no idea.."...

+1 y

A Modern Oracle

I recently had a conversation with a Japanese woman who told me she would like to have society in Japan returned to the matriarchal clan system of 2000 years ago, when women could take on temporary 'husbands' who stayed in the village for a fixed time, apparently six days, living with the woman...

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Romance In Other Cultures

More and more here in the US we have a lot of options in terms of the different cultures that coexist in much of our society. I married a Colombian woman, for example, and had several girl friends who hailed from different parts of the world, or whose parents did. Every culture has its own...

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New Wave in Relationships?

I hope people find this worthy of interest. It got my attention. Not too often do you find yourself getting spanked over a woman's knees at age 28, and I had never been spanked as a child. I had long been a bit of a flirt at work; nothing serious that was not part of friendship, or so I...

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