We all have PTSD when it comes to relationships


Most of us have been through heartache, breakups, seemingly incomprehensible emotional outbursts, and if we haven't, yet, our partner almost certainly HAS.

Most of us don't live our lives in small villages, where we share a common history, cultural values, and know everything about everyone, We have people whose pasts we know nothing about, who may have been raised abroad, who view intimate aspects of life completely dfferently.

Most of all, people have been abused, traumatized, not only in a legally actionable way, but by the pressures of modern life. Many people are with spouses who have uncontrollable emotional crises, resulting from betrayal in past relationships, job pressures, military service in war zones....

People I know on the site have told me of having to deal with loved ones who can't commit to them because their previous partner was 'crazy' and 'a cheater.'

Imagine how this impacts the partner, who naturally tends to feel it is their fault the other person won't commit. As this person said, they want to cry and slap their partner,at the same time.

And many people often do precisely those things. But that won't help cure the pain their partner is demonstrating to them.

No one WANTS to appear crazy, no one betrays in their couple without a deep-seated compulsion.

These people are not whole, they are damaged, somewhere, somehow, sometime.

It's likely they or their previous partner had a history of abuse, or had no parental care as a child.

These damaging experiences can't usually be overcome without intense therapy, AND a tolerant, loving partner. Most people never have either in their lives.

Instead of rejecting people who are a little 'damaged', we should do our best to help them, in every way. Then, we can expect them to do the same for us.

We all have PTSD when it comes to relationships

We all have PTSD when it comes to relationships
2 Opinion