Stalkers are more common than even zombies?

Stalkers are more common than even zombies?

I address this My Take to girls NOT because I don't care or don't know about guys being's happened to me! I just don't want to have the responses clogged up with the claque of male feminists that troll Gag these latter days.

Guys who want to respond can PM me, I'm not one of the private profile brigaders..

I'll start just with a few examples of guys being accused of stalking in my experience, or what happened to friends:

I was accused of stalking by a longtime friend for talking about her with her 7 year old son and even younger niece, while I was babysitting them for her!

I was acccused fo stalking for knocking on a friend's door when my bike broke down in front of her place.

Someone I knew was accused of stallking for checking a girl out at work--just visually, no approaches--a girl who wore the tightest and most revealing clothes you could get away with there..she was cautioned about her dress even by her supervisor a couple of times, but of course, the guy's reputation was ruined in the workplace, regardless.Guys were accused of stalking for 'rating' girls at the gym, just joking around..

A guy I know was accused of stalking for sending a girl a valentine..just once! He was only half serious, and they had worked together more than a year at the time.

A guy I know was doing political phone canvassing, and just to relieve the boredom, tried to chat with the girl next to him doing the same thing. I heard the conversation because I was also canvassing, nearby; he wasn't flirting or asking her out, just mentioning issues they were raising in the phone script we were given..and she complained to the managers of the campaign! He stopped trying to chat with her when she was rude to him in response, but he couldn't move away, all desks were taken....

A friend was accused of stalking for gossipping about a work colleague having an affair with her boss. This was known to everyone in the office...not any secret, and she knew it.

I'm sure many of you have seen or heard similar examples.

Í know stalking is a serious problem for both sexes, though of course more for women.

But following a girl around, threatening her, or constantly asking her out or trying repeatedly to start unwanted conversations, THOSE are instances of stalking.

There IS such a thing as just striking up a conversation, without any (or not much) other agenda. And sometimes, guys are just insensitive....that shouldn't be a crime. And unless the behavior is repeated or escalated, it isn't harassment or stalking

And people DO have the right to at least TRY once to approach someone, I would say.

In many workplaces and gathering spots, a guy really has to walk on eggshells around women now.

I'm not saying EVERY woman overreacts like this, but most guys I know well have at some point mentioned being accused of stalking in the above types of scenarios. Especially at workplaces, guys are, as a result, increasingly being accused of being impolite or discourteous. because they studiously avoid casual conversations with women most of the time, just to avoid being accused of stalking them. It's a lose-lose situation. Guys lose jobs because of these incidents...

Of course, guys are basically guilty, automatically, when such accusations are made..but that's a subject for another My Take!

Accusations of stalking are often just tools used (mostly) by women to harass any guy they don't like, sometimes for political or competitive reasons, or just out of pure meanness!

Stalkers are more common than even zombies?
Post Opinion