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3 mo

Did you ever unblock someone on social media/whatsapp?

I've had someone unblock me just to stalk me on social media and later block me again. Other

3 mo

February 14th is Lent Time, Is Anyone Doing any Sacrificing and Renewing For Forty Days?

Martin Luther didn't nail 95 Thesis to the cathedral door just for me to have to give up meat on Fridays centuries later. Religion & Spirituality

3 mo

Anybody else annoyed with tik tok for removing the sound off your videos?

Music licensing should be irrevocable. Like musicians and labels can prevent any new use of their music, but any previously legally permitted use of it should be allowed to remain. Technology & Internet

3 mo

Michigan school shooter's mother guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Should parents be held responsible for their child's actions?

This isn't being held responsible for her child's actions. It's being held responsible for providing a weapon and not securing the weapon properly. Those were her actions not her son's. Society & Politics

3 mo

Did you do the dorm life or off campus?

I lived in dorms for two years, and then an on-campus apartment for a year. Senior year and grad school I lived off campus. Education & Career

3 mo

Coffee ☕ or tea 🍵?

Coffee. While I can appreciate tea occasionally, I'm much more of a coffee fan. Tea is more reserved for when I've got a headcold or I just want to warm up. Coffee is an everyday thing. Food & Beverage

3 mo

Do you know how your parents met?

They met at a fraternity party at North Dakota State University, but didn't exchange numbers. Two days later they both were in the wedding party at the same wedding in the small town of Leroy, ND.... Family & Friends

3 mo

How many of you were silver tooth kids?

Never had any crowns, but I do have one filling- but I'm not sure if it counts- the tooth came in with a pit already in it. Other

3 mo

Rent problems, can I pay other ways?

Everyone has house rules for Monopoly. Hasboro doesn't always approve though... I imagine that might not keep the game short, but it should make it sweet! Other

3 mo

What is the most bizarre wrong number text or phone call you ever received?

Someone with my phone number with the area code 281 instead of 218 has a habit of skipping bail. At lest once or twice a year for the past 10 years I've had calls looking for the guy. Despite... Other

3 mo

Do you think it's ever attractive for a man to wear really short shorts?

Short shorts are great. I go with 5.5" inseam most of the summer, and for swimwear even shorter. Wearing briefs keeps things decent. I enjoy seeing them on other men as well. Fashion & Beauty

3 mo

If your partner snores what would be your solution to getting a good night sleep?

I rarely have trouble sleeping with it, but in the off chance I do I might go to a guest room. Maybe 6 or 7 times a year. I end up in the guest room because I was kicked out of bed by the 5 year... Relationships

3 mo

What did you think of the Grammy Awards?

My favorite part was Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs singing Fast Car Entertainment & Arts

3 mo

Do you drum on your butt or your thighs when you get bored?

I'm always drumming on my butt or my stomach when I'm bored. Other

3 mo

Would you date a nudist?

As a nudist, if I wasn't already married I definitely would date other nudists. My wife wasn't when we started dating, but she's come around and joins me quite often. Dating

3 mo

What was your favorite playground equipment thingy to play on growing up?

I always loved climbing on the jungle gym. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that I do high-steel rigging for concerts now. Hobbies & Leisure

3 mo

What's your favorite morning beverage?

Coffee- in particular a whole milk latte. I'm not quite myself until I've had my coffee. Food & Beverage

3 mo

Who did you have a crush on when you were a kid?

There were a few, but this one was definitely up there Dating

3 mo

What's your opinion on nipple piercings?

Nipple piercings can be very sexy. Fashion & Beauty

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