Would you be okay with your kids having a transgender pediatrician?

3 mo
I found out my child’s pediatrician is no longer with the office we have gone to since she was born. Unfortunately all of the patients under the previous pediatrician are now under a Transgender Dr. Personal opinions/beliefs aside I don’t think they will be the right fit and we’ll be switching care.
3 mo
Ignorantwoman Lol transphobes? Ok I’m sure they’ll be out there wearing the flag in barely any clothing screaming to the world that they must have special treatment because they have sexual presences as an adult with that mentality 🤣. My kids will not be part of this forced agenda where straight relationships/lifestyles are looked down on because it’s not interesting or making pharmaceutical companies $. Should my child choose to not want to be in a traditional relationship or the gender
Would you be okay with your kids having a transgender pediatrician?
Post Opinion