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2 mo

Can cell phones from one network connect on others?

Depends on the phone. Most (but not all) phones that are purchased through your carrier are locked down to that carrier unless the phone has been "jailbroken." Most unlocked phones can connect to... Technology & Internet

2 mo

What is the oldest pair of underwear you own?

I still have the first pair of briefs I bought when I was still wearing boxers usually. I got it for when I needed to use a fall arrest harness, and wanted to make sure everything stayed in place... Fashion & Beauty

2 mo

Have you ever dropped your phone in the loo?

A long time ago. When Kyocera flip phones were still common. It was a TracFone burner anyways so I flushed it. Wasn't worth retrieving at that point. Girl's Behavior

2 mo

Why are so many white men fat phobic?

Societal pressure? They don't want to be labeled a chubby chaser, or people to think they settled because they couldn't "bag" a skinny girl? Guy's Behavior

2 mo

Are you affected by the AT&T cellular tower outage rn?

Thankfully we switched to Verizon just over a year ago. Technology & Internet

2 mo

When a person types “hehe” whats the first thing you think of?

I reply with haha if I find something funny in general. I reply with hehe if I find something funny for naughty reasons. Other

2 mo

Which appliance would you rather unload?

You don't have to fold the dishes when you unload the dishwasher. Other

2 mo

Wedding Decorations! Prefer hand made?

We did store bought, but curated. Marriage & Weddings

2 mo

Did you work when you went to school?

Yes, I worked an on-campus job as well as a few "on demand" off campus jobs as a local stagehand for tours coming through various venues in the region. Education & Career

2 mo

What do you usually do on your lunch?

I either get away from the office for an hour to reset, or I work straight through with delivery. Depends on what I need to get done, and if I want to leave early on Friday or not. Other

2 mo

If you were dating someone who had a kid, at what stage would you refer to that kid as your kid/“my kid”?

Engagement probably would be the start of it, but really not fully until marriage. Family & Friends

2 mo

If an evil racist did the following?

That sign would be considered unenforceable. In that situation since that restaurant provides "public accomodations" they could not refuse service based on race. They could call the police of... Society & Politics

2 mo

Putin said that biden is better for russia why do you think putin, the one who invaded ukraine, prefers a democrat?

That statement (and most of Putin's statements about US politics) has little to do with what is actually better for Russia and everything to do with trying to sew division in US politics and... Society & Politics

2 mo

Do you keep any lights on in the house when you go to sleep?

Other than my son's night light and a night light in the bathroom closest to his room we have all of the lights off at night. Other

2 mo

Is this true or false, if a man gets his woman roses 🌹🌹for valentines day he is cheating on her?

Well, I didn't get roses, and I haven't cheated, so... I guess my data points supports that theory? Valentine's Day

2 mo

Did you ever unblock someone on social media/whatsapp?

I've had someone unblock me just to stalk me on social media and later block me again. Other

2 mo

How often do you go to the carwash?

I got a subscription to a car wash near me. I get there maybe 3 times a month most of the year, but during spring melt and elm tree pollen and seed season I might get there 3 times a week. Other

2 mo

February 14th is Lent Time, Is Anyone Doing any Sacrificing and Renewing For Forty Days?

Martin Luther didn't nail 95 Thesis to the cathedral door just for me to have to give up meat on Fridays centuries later. Religion & Spirituality

2 mo

Anybody else annoyed with tik tok for removing the sound off your videos?

Music licensing should be irrevocable. Like musicians and labels can prevent any new use of their music, but any previously legally permitted use of it should be allowed to remain. Technology & Internet

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