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+1 y

Do you think you could survive life in prison?

Probably yeah. But only if there was a legitimate reason for me to be there. I'd probably spend all my time doing pull ups and other exercises working out. Basic food snd water. No... Society & Politics

+1 y

No bullshit here... what are women really attracted too?

This is an impossible question man. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I've tried answering it, and honestly I have no idea. But from personal experience, the bigger I grow my muscles from lifting weights the better.... Dating

+1 y

Girls, have any of you had experience with the “scrunch butt” style of workout leggings?

Omg, those look like buttholes. They're definitely sexual snd stylish. But guys will probably stare at them. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Girls, do you ever go to clubs just to get free drinks? Guys, do you buy girls drinks at these Pickup Clubs?

These things are very regional. Each bar had it's own culture and vibe-- and doing well in one one way doesn't mean you'll do well in any bar. The local city, who lives there, the bar owners... Flirting

+1 y

Guys, which is worse? A girl outlifting you on lower body day or upper body day?

hell I expect her to outlift me on legs. I don't care. My legs are strong enough. My thing isn't heavy lifting, it's versatility snd athleticism that I'm after. Need to run? Fine. Need... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Throughout your life, has food overall brought you more pleasure or distress?

Only the price tag brings me distress. I love food. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Is there something in the distance? So close you could almost taste it?

It's 'release your inhibition' but whatever. 🤣 But yeah. My entire life has been repressed by crazy adults in my family. Dark triad personality traits, untreated mental illness, college... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Guys, Which body type do you like?

E. 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why can’t men love women in a platonic way?

I had with with a female roommate of two years. She and I were friends. We helped each other out and laughed a lot during dinners. She got a boyfriend in the second year and I wasn't jealous... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Where are my fellow gamers at? Are you team Xbox or Team Playstation?

Okay, I'll do you one better. Original Xbox, yes. Ps1 and 2, no. Xbox 360, no. Ps3, Yes. Ps4, no. Newest Xbox, yes. Technology & Internet

+1 y

What is it like to live in America?

It depends. If you are someone who is chronically late and struggles with punctuality, then the US is pretty terrible because most things are not walk-in services, though some are, and jobs will... Society & Politics

+1 y

Instagram to REMOVE 'likes' in hopes to depressurize youths. Thoughts?

This should have happened a long time ago. They did the right thing. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Do you like parties and do you like to party? Why/why not?

Only with people I know/good friends. Otherwise, no. Not at all. Plus, douchey guys piss me off. Girls at parties find douchey guys fun. Therefore unless I'm with friends (of any gender)... Other

+1 y

What do you have to do to "be sexy"?

You know what I find striking. I have never seen a guy ask how he can be sexy on this site. Not even once. I think most guys just do themselves how they want and not give a shit, and the ones... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Should the #MeToo Movement be Extended to Men?

Yeah but it would be entirely different. On twitter I see stuff like: 'I get no matches on Tinder' ... Metoo. MeToo metoo yep metoo ... #MeToo Funny stuff. I am realizing... Society & Politics

+1 y

How you make a man see you as “wife-material”?

It's not universal. It depends on each individual person. For me, it's her charachter. I look for genuine kindness and empathy. But today, I think it's very hard. It's very difficult to... Relationships

+1 y

Should a guy bother dating if he’s over 30 and still making minimum wage?

For the record, this is why we need $15/hour min. wage in the US. Then any job is livable. Two fulltime $15/hour jobs is $50,000/year. Soo, not wealthy, but not poor in the US either.... Dating

+1 y

Is it wrong to only want to date rich men?

No but I think it's kinda silly. You're missing out if you do that. Just like if I only liked rich girls, I'd miss all the awesome poor girls. And it is kinda gold diggerish, but not the... Dating

+1 y

Has anyone heard of "Handcels"?

Funny theory, but the second photo is still a masculine hand. The long ring finger indicates high levels of prenatal testosterone. Feminine hands have short ring fingers. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

If you had the option to hit restart and begin life all over again, would you?

I think I would. My current life isn't very good so even rolling the dice probably wouldn't turn out any worse. Even if I lost all my memories that would be fine. Other

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