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My favorite Burn Notice Memes

I fucking love Burn Notice, its got action, humor, and awesome characters AND BRUCE FUCKING CAMPBELL. 1. Cause Chuck Finley is everyone and no one, he is simply Chuck Finley. 2. because Dead Larry cares only about working with Michael and hurting people. 3. Because a Burned Spy can make a...

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Dear Autocorrect Please F*ck Off and Die

Dear Phones Autocorrect, I wish to inform you that I hate you and if you were a sentient AI I would download you to a chip, put you in a watertight safe, then encase the safe in concrete and throw it in the deepest pit in the ocean surrounded by magnets to make sure if you escaped you would be...

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Things I want to do this summer

I've had a really rough couple of days mentally, and I thought it would be good for me to list the stuff I want to do this summer. 1. Make Homemade Pickles I really like pickles and I've wanted to make them for a while and after looking it up, its rather easy. 2. Go out camping at a haunted...

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How to Survive a Slasher film

So, there's a killer on the loose and you are a young adult and this slasher targets young adults. So you want to survive. Well here are a few tips. 1. Do not be an asshole The asshole character in a slasher film will die, and unlike others some who will get their heads lopped off or a simple...

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The Loss of a New England Cultural Staple

I went down to do some shopping today, I got three t-shirts at bobs (Two Jaws shirts, one Force Awakens) I got headphones, and I got 40 bucks to amazon to buy a hat. The last place I went was the Liquor store. I asked if they carried applejack and was told not anymore. I bought my Hard Cider and...

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A woman started a website where you can mail your ashes to a GOP congressman, if you die as a result of the AHCA. They also have the reason's page I just thought I'd share a few Reason #9 I am eighteen years old. I am a college student. I do not wear short skirts, I do not drink or smoke. I do not need to justify the fact...

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The Montana Special Election illustrates a point I'd like to make (and I can nearly guarantee this take has nothing to do with what you are thinking)

So if you actually came to this take thinking it'd be about national politics or Candidates. You'd be completely mistaken. So I was browsing through the Wikipedia page for the special election in Montana and I noticed something that for 99 percent of Americans would have taken no notice of, the...

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I regret that I did what my boss told me to. (A kmart work story)

For about three months I worked at Kmart, the end of the probationary period they said they wouldn't keep me on. They let me go by phone the fucking assholes. However in hindsight I'm way better off now than I was then job wise. However it doesn't take away the fact that I did something there...

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The Question Every Man Asks Himself Daily (Unless He's Got a Mountain Man Beard)

There is something every man not growing the beard of a wildman asks himself every day. Do I REALLY have to shave today? Its not an easy question, as the fact is that while it is expect of us. It is not fun. The prospect of dragging a bunch of razor blades across your face to scrape and cut off...

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Things to know before you play a Tabletop RPG

So I've been thinking of writing this take for a while, mostly after I heard a person in CVS say to their friend that they wanted to try Dungeons and Dragons because they saw it on the Big Bang Theory. 1. Saying you want to play a game of Dungeons and Dragons because you saw it in The Big Bang...

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10 Facts That sound made up but are true

1. Cleopatra lived closer to the moon landings than she did to the building of the great pyramid of Giza Cleopatra was born in 69 BC and died in 30 BC, The Great Pyramid of Giza was finished in 2560 BC, the moon landings happened in 1969, she lived 1999 years before the first moon landing and...

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Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy, A surprising well done pulpy action-horror romp

Yesterday I finished the video game; Sniper Elite; Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy. (it also includes the previous Nazi zombie army games campaigns and is also the end of the saga adding in the third. So now there are three acts in a sense.) First off, lets get the out of the way, this game is a weird...

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Lets get one thing straight; Ghost in the Shell is NOT Cyberpunk

that is an interpretation of the classic cyberpunk Character from Gibson's Sprawl Trilogy, Molly Millions. Now Molly Millions is everything a Cyberpunk anti-heroine should be, She's got a punk attitude, she's a cyborg and a mercenary who has steel razor claws that can retract into her fingers....

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David Rockefeller Is Dead and I Want to Remind Everyone that It's No Great Loss to The World

There is a rather controversial opinion of mine, most people are of the opinion that you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. I am not one of those people. I am of Hunter S. Thompson's point of view that if a bad person is dead, you say what kind of person they actually were and he demonstrated this...

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My problems with Shin Godzilla

SPOILERS WARNING FOR SHIN GODZILLA I've been a Godzilla Fan since I was 3 years old. My mother introduced me to the franchise. I've been a fan for 19 years. Thats the majority of my life. So when I say this, I say this with the utmost respect for the franchise and toho studios but I have to ask,...

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The Anderson Family is committing a very bizarre form of child abuse

now child abuse comes in all forms. These parents are hurting their children, not in conventional ways but nevertheless are doing serious harm to their children. In some cases, they may even genuinely love their children and are trying to help them and raise them but the fact remains that their...

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Waffles Reviews Films: 8mm

Now first I'd like to take a moment to say that the films subject matter and therefore this review is not for the faint of heart and spoiler alert. 8mm is a Neo-noir about a private detective and family man named Tom Welles (Nicolas Cage) who is hired by a wealthy recent widow to find out if an...

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Please Stop Talking About the 'Paleo Diet'

First off, I feel like I should be writing on a chalkboard in front of a college class saying, 'Paleolithic comes from the latin word paleo meaning old and lithic meaning stone.' While a college girl blinks with the words love you written on her eye-lids at me; and anyone who gets that reference...

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What I Find Annoying in Video Games -Part 1

1. Follow the (very slow NPC) Seriously pick a follow this NPC segment in ANY shooter game and while chances are you get a whole bunch of completely uninteresting dialogue, you will also be like, when can I start shooting bad guys again, or good guys, I'd shoot the guy who I'm supposed to...

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Unpopular Opinions of Mine

@1truekhaleesi inspired me to post my unpopular opinions and some of them I'm expecting A LOT of hate for. #BRINGITBITCHES 1. That Waiters and waitresses who are given not tip when they do their jobs right, should legally be allowed one punch to the customers gut Honestly, who just don't tip...

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