What I Find Annoying in Video Games -Part 1

What I Find Annoying in Video Games -Part 1

1. Follow the (very slow NPC)

What I Find Annoying in Video Games -Part 1

Seriously pick a follow this NPC segment in ANY shooter game and while chances are you get a whole bunch of completely uninteresting dialogue, you will also be like, when can I start shooting bad guys again, or good guys, I'd shoot the guy who I'm supposed to follow if it'd make him move any goddamn faster.

2. Making the flashlight light up nothing or hold 5 seconds of charge.

What I Find Annoying in Video Games -Part 1

I don't know about you but in my experience flashlights work a fuckload better than that and they run for fucking hours before they even start to dim. So unless a dev has never actually seen or used a flashlight there is no excuse. Its not scary, all it does is make you squint and be annoyed. If you want to be scary, build up the atmosphere instead of giving us a broken flashlight like a good horror game.

3. Where the hell is my splitscreen multiplayer?

What I Find Annoying in Video Games -Part 1

You see back when I started gaming there was this glorious multiplayer mode WHERE YOU COULD PLAY WITH SOMEONE IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOU ON THE SAME CONSOLE. Then it stopped, these days its basically gone. You see game devs, this actually contributed to me becoming a PC Gamer, because once I couldn't play video games with and in the same room as my friends basically made me say, hey, PC games are cheaper due to steam, they run better, there are more options, mods, and now since I can't play splitscreen, what am I doing on a console. These days I rarely play my console and I'm primarily a PC gamer. I've played 3 games on my Xbox one in the last 12 months.

4. The two weapon system in First person shooters

What I Find Annoying in Video Games -Part 1

Dear Game Developers, this only works in Halo for one reason, because you switch andd pick up new weapons so often that you really don't need more than two because in five minutes you'll have a different weapon. When my options are, Generic but necessary M4 carbine, awesome shotgun, awesome revolver, and cool SMG, DON'T MAKE ME FUCKING CHOOSE ONLY ONE COOL GUN. Remember DOOM, or Wolfenstein, or how about the Far Cry games, In doom and wolfenstein you can carry all the guns, in Far Cry 3 I was running around an awesome cool island holding four weapons. LET US HOLD MORE GUNS AND FOR GODS SAKES, IF YOU GIVE US A PISTOL, GIVE US BACK THE DEDICATED SIDEARM SLOT.

What do you find most annoying, please tell me because I'm sure that I'm going to write a part 2 eventually


What I Find Annoying in Video Games -Part 1
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