Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy, A surprising well done pulpy action-horror romp

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy, A surprising well done pulpy action-horror romp

Yesterday I finished the video game; Sniper Elite; Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy.

(it also includes the previous Nazi zombie army games campaigns and is also the end of the saga adding in the third. So now there are three acts in a sense.)

First off, lets get the out of the way, this game is a weird spin-off of the Sniper Elite series. Its an alternate Universe where hitler found a demonic relic and opened a portal to hell and now he has a nazi zombie army that has taken over Europe and he wants to resurrect the most evil people in European history that aren't him.and you have to hunt down a holy relic he found and use it to close the hellmouth. The Standard PC is Karl Fairburne the protagonist of the regular Sniper elite series who basically channels B.J Blazkowicz. However there are several other pcs that can be used, including a russian, a German former pacifist and skeptic scientist who avoided the army by doing occult research and unleashing this and now wants to atone and is no longer a pacifist or skeptic, an honorable german officer who turned against hitler after he did the zombies. Hell they even added the left4dead characters to it. The game also can be played co-op so thats probably why. Now first off, this retains most of the mechanics, really only dropping the stealth elements and makes SMGs and Shotguns frequently used and yes, this includes you can shoot a Nazi Zombie in the testicles and get an X-ray Cam

So the gameplay is awesome, the gore is awesome, the guns are fun. Now I don't usually talk about level design but the level design towards the end of the second act all the way to the very end of the game became utterly amazing. I loved the part where you walk through the Romanian forests and see soldiers impaled on stake, it was creepy and atmospheric, and packed with some of the best action in the game. I loved the last two levels of the game where you fight first through a castle and then through Hitlers Nazi zombie fortress to close the hell-mouth.

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy, A surprising well done pulpy action-horror romp

That level was just awesome. You are fighting through hitlers personal castle full of Demonic undead to get a holy relic he stole because you need it to defeat him. It was often rather unsnipery but using my rifles sights not the scope, or blowing through the undead with a thompson or even just waiting for them to get close and shooting them in the head with a M1911A1 was just awesome. The thing is that Castle levels in shooters are often lackluster, not making full use of their truly cool setting, but this one put it to phenomenal use.

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy, A surprising well done pulpy action-horror romp

Is it high art? Hell no, but it does have a fun campaign that feels kinda pulpy, It has awesome gameplay, A great atmosphere, and really what more can you ask from this kind of game?


Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army Trilogy, A surprising well done pulpy action-horror romp
4 Opinion