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+1 y

Do you think all feet are ugly?

Some have great feet I don't though hahaha Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Believers, why do you exactly believe in that religion you believe in?

my religious symbol is not present in your pic but the answer is symbol... because that's what makes sense to me Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do you think a wife must be able to cook well?

I think cooking is a mandatory skill everyone should have :p Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Spanking Your Child: Discipline or Abuse?

as an early childhood educator I can say it is unnecessary and if you actually parent your child properly you can do is effectively without laying a hand on your child. Some parents are just to... Family & Friends

+1 y

Hey G@Gers, what would you do if you were a Woman for one day?

Everyone isn't pink today... That would be dumb Women's Day

+1 y

Why do women wear sexy clothes if they don’t want attention?

If they say they don't want attention that's false but at the same time they are doing it also because they feel good doing it Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why are female pedophiles judged less than male pedophiles?

I don't think they are judged less but rather it is a lot less heard of so people don't dwell on it as much Society & Politics

+1 y

Camel toes is it on purpose?

just because you leave the house without one doesn't mean it won't happen by accident when you're out and about Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you believe in god?

not in the way you are referring to god Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

My boyfriend wants me to change my profile picture to a picture of us?

He sounds overly jealously and slightly manipulative. That isn't healthy Dating

+1 y

Would you eat a "Mettbrötchen"?

I think it would be too dangerous to eat Travel

+1 y

Wife wants to watch me have sex with other women?

I think if it is consensual, any boundaries are stated, and both really want to do it it will be fine Relationships

+1 y

Is it gay for guys to do yoga?

I don't see how yoga implies you're gay... You know what does imply you're gay? Liking dick Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Chokers? A sign of being submissive?

I mean some submissive people wear collars Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Can a right handed person learn writing with his left hand?

definitely. People have to do it all the time. It will just take some time Other

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