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Wicca Series (Part 14): All about Covens

First of all, what is a Coven? A coven can be a group of Wiccans or just Witches . If a group of Wiccans , they would gather for every Sabbat and 1-2 times a month for esbats (Sabbats are days we celebrate the sun and esbats are nights we celebrate the moon) to do r ituals and magick. If...

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Wicca Series (Part 13): Wiccan Traditions

So much like Christianity there are different denominations of Wicca . Although these different traditions generally believe in the same basics the details are often different . There are many many different traditions of Wicca so below are some of the different traditions (but certainly not...

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The Real Origin of Christmas

So it's Christmas..... but you know what it isn't? Jesus' birthday. Let's talk about why. Firstly we can see that Jesus wasn't likely to be born in the winter because the Shepherds were watching over their flock of sheep. It is likely Shepherds would have had a shelter for the sheep if it was in...

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Wicca Series (Part 12): A Book of Shadows

First of all Happy Yule! I hope everyone is having a fantastic Winter Solstice. It's the darkest day of the year but the sun's been born and it only gets brighter from here! Today we are going to talk about what a book of shadows (BoS) is and what kind of stuff one would put in their book of...

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Wicca Series (Part 11): The Wiccan Rede

So as I've said many times in this series, Wiccan's do not have a book of rules and beliefs like many other religions do. Something we do have though is the Wiccan Rede, which is a few guidelines, that in general, all Wiccan's follow. So today I will go over the Wiccan Rede (line by line) and...

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Wicca Series (Part 10): More About Spells

So a few weeks ago I had a request to go more into spell work and how it works. So here I will be talking about what makes a spell work, types of spells and a few more examples of them. So a spell is the build up of energy and then the release of said energy. When one creates a spell you...

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Wicca Series (Part 9): Wiccan Rituals

Rituals are very misunderstood as a whole. A lot of people associate rituals with sacrifices and stuff like that. Every religion has rituals though and, unless you're in some horrible cult, has nothing to do with sacrifices . Some religious rituals are things such as weddings, funerals,...

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Wicca Series (Part 8): Divination

So I am a few days overdue for this post, I apologize but things have been busy at home. Anywho onto the real point of the post. So divination.... What is it? Any action that attempts to solicit information directly from the Divine, through the use of interpretive tools. -Erin...

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Wicca Series (Part 7): Altars and the Tools

So, altars... I feel like a lot of people have a bad idea of what alters are. I think a misconception of alters when in reference to Wicca or witchcraft as it has something to do with a sacrifice .... it has to do with a cult , all that jazz. But think about it like this. Christians, Muslims,...

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Wicca Series (Part 6): Witchcraft and Magickal Workings

Wiccans can be a witch and witches can be Wiccans but they are not the same thing . Wicca is a religion whereas witchcraft is a practice. It is most common that Wicca's practice witchcraft but it is not necessary just as it is not necessary for a Christian to go to church. So it is important...

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Wicca Series (part 5): What Happens After We Die

So, like all aspects of Wicca not everyone believes the exact same thing when it comes to what happens after we die. One thing that is pretty uniform about our beliefs on death is that we all tend to believe in reincarnation. What differs is what happens between death and reincarnation. I think...

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Wicca Series (Part 4): Wheel of the Year - Wiccan Holidays (Second Half)

So the fifth holiday of the year is Litha or midsummer. It is on the Summer solstice which is June 21st. It is the brightest day of the year. It is the holiday of the sun god. To celebrate we use fire. It can be in a bonfire, lots of candles, and stuff like that. To celebrate you can also send...

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Wicca Series (Part 3): Wheel of the year - Wiccan Holidays (first half)

So Wiccan holidays are very much based on the seasons of the year. In this post I will do a basic summary of the holidays. If you would be interested in learning more indepth information about the specific holidays leave a comment and I'll consider making individual posts about the holidays. An...

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Wiccan series (Part 2): The General Beliefs of Wicca

So we have already established who Wiccan's worship so if you want to know that part just look at part 1 of the Wiccan Series. The majority of Wiccan's believe that the Divine can be found in nature. So nature should be honoured and respected. The plants, animals, soil, the elements, they are...

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Wicca Series (Part 1): Who Do We Worship?

Starting a new series as it's evident a lot of people don't know much about it. The first topic is about who we worship because I think before I can explain anything else you need this bit of info. You must remember that unlike islam, christianity, judasim, etc there is no book of rules for...

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Tattoo Styles: Part 2

Realism: Realistic tattoos are pretty straight forward they look like a photograph of your body, It is very important to get a tattoo artist that specializes in realistic tattoos because if they don't it's easy to end up with a bad tattoo. You are going to probably pay the most for these...

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Tattoo Styles: Part 1

So I thought I would do a few MyTakes about tattoo styles and what makes a style that style. Hopefully this little series will help people who want to start getting tattoos (or for people who already have tattoos but want to start planning future pieces better) find their favourite style(s) so...

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