Work giving me the run around on a raise request. How would you feel/ what should I do?

I found out that I was making $5 less than entry level employees with no experience. When I brought this to the attention of my boss I asked for a salary adjustment. She told me that raises are tied to performance reviews and that it would likely have to wait. I waited about 1.5 months and made no issue. I then apparently was skipped for my performance review. When I asked my boss she gave me my performance numbers in an email.

Now, my numbers are admittedly slightly below average. I was new to the industry and do struggle in the job at times. I am also given compliments about how good of a job I do by her and coworkers. Basically I am ok to good at my job.

I know it is kind of silly expecting a raise with below average numbers but at the same time entry level workers with no experience are coming into the job and making $5 more. I truly believe I deserve to get a salary adjustment.

A. How would you feel in this situation.
B. How should I handle this/ what should I say.
C. Am I in the wrong?
You deserve the raise to what entry level people make
You can't ask for a raise with below average stats
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Work giving me the run around on a raise request. How would you feel/ what should I do?
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