Should I tell my boss to stick it?

I've been in a temp job for the last 6 months.
Management is horrible.
I have a filing job where the target is 45 files per day.
This is impossible as noone can get it.
Then every week they say we're behind. Not even a thank you for trying.
So today my workmate came back to work as she was sick, I had to go past her anyway to get something for the files I was working on & just briefly asked how she was.
Then the manager told another girl to ask me why I'm not working
I was really shocked at this, I didn't know what to say.
All I said back to her was, I was asking how she was.
Everyone here doesn't like him. He talks to people so rudely. But they just keep quiet
I don't care if I stay in this job or not but if he talks to me like that again, I want to tell him to chill out.
He can fire me if he wants, I don't care. Our pay is crap anyway.
He is on the level below us but comes up if there is a major issue with the files.
I'm just fed up of how he talks to people.
Would you say something?
Should I tell my boss to stick it?
3 Opinion