How to deal with a coworker who you dislike?

A bit of a rant here, sorry.
I just started a new job about a week ago and I am really starting to get the hang of things. Last night was my third shift working with this girl (it's a smoothie place, not too popular compared to McDonald's, etc) and it's usually two to three people per shift. She constantly hovers over my shoulder and has a problem with what I'm doing 80% of the time. She honestly makes me feel stupid and inferior. I told a customer to have a good day and she said I should be more welcoming and since she didn't hear me, he probably didn't either, but in reality he did hear me and also told me to have a good day.
At another point last night I was making sandwiches and I asked her which sauce to use while she was chit chatting with another coworker, she replied "girl, figure it out yourself." I guess she only wants to boss me around when she feels like it?
She acts like she's my boss but actually she's only been working there for one month. One month!!!
Another thing that happened was while I was doing the dishes I guess she started to fill up the mop bucket and then went out front and she was on her phone. The bucket overflowed and she told me to be more aware of my surroundings. Are you kidding me? I didn't even know she was filling the bucket!

I could keep going but honestly this girl just really pisses me off and I am not sure how much longer I can stay polite.
How to deal with a coworker who you dislike?
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