- Anonymous(18-24)29 d
2019. I loved the social side of school but hated being under authority and order the whole time. I never did any work at school because I was too busy messing around and having fun, but that meant I had hardly any spare time after school and on weekends which sucked. I built a bad reputation with the teachers and staff which meant I spent most of my lunch breaks in detention and even spent a total of 4 whole weeks in solitary confinement in my final year.
It's safe to say I was happy to leave school, but when I graduated I went straight into a job at 17 which was grueling. Working 11-12 hour days, 5 days a week, but I loved that at least I had my weekends completely free to myself. That lasted 4 months then covid lockdown hit the week before my 18th birthday. We were an essential service so I was able to keep working through the lockdowns but my first year of work was hell. I was overloaded, stressed, and hated my role. I kept at it and gave it everything though, and got promoted to a role that I loved. I did that for another year and then got promoted to sales rep, so now I work my dream job and I actually enjoy getting up in the morning and heading into work.
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Most Helpful Opinions
- 30 d
When I finished my last final, I pocketed my pencil, stood up, handed it to the teacher, then turned without a word, grabbed my umbrella, and left the room. I walked out the building, across the campus, carefully crossed the street, reached the far sidewalk, fell to my knees, and began singing "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I'm free at last".
No exaggeration; that's exactly what happened. I might have gotten odd looks from the drivers passing by, but I didn't care; I was finally free.
00 Reply
- 30 d
I graduated from HS in 2005 and I though "well it's about time". I wasn't happy nor sad but rather bored. I didn't really have many friends and didn't go to the prom either. A couple friends I would hang out with were older by 2-3 years and so had already left HS. I had fewer, real friends my age and most were just friendly, classroom acquaintances.
00 Reply
428 opinions shared on Education & Career topic. 2011.
Yes. I was so over everything and everyone, lol. I didn’t even want to go to the stupid ceremony.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.3K opinions shared on Education & Career topic. 1981.
No. It was bittersweet. I realized that I was getting a good free education and would have stayed another two years just to take certain classes that I wanted to but couldn't:
1. Earth Science
2. AP Chemistry
3. AP Biology
4. AP Calculus AB
5. You and the Law
6. Sociology
7. Psychology
But, it was exciting getting ready that summer to go away to college. I did it myself too; I drove myself to college, my car packed. My parents didn't visit until Parents Weekend.
Really, after high school, it all went down hill from there.30 Reply- 29 d
Summer of 2020, at that point I already left….
I was at home since near April so, it didn’t make sense to see it as leaving because I was already gone.
Only thing holding me back was grades, it is 24/7 class. It never left. One assignment done, another in its place. I had to sacrifice some assignments to stay up on others that mattered more in order to graduate. It was awful. I liked HS years while they lasted, Pandemic really took a toll.00 Reply 320 opinions shared on Education & Career topic. I graduated from 12th grade in 1972 when I was 18.
I hadn't taken high school very seriously but I graduated.
I was happy it was over so that I could party full time.
But I started community college immediately, taking one or two interesting courses of my choice per semester. I actually enjoyed that. I still had plenty of time to surf and party.00 Reply- 1 mo
One of my less favourite teachers congratulated me and commented that staying longer would not have been... ''good'' for either side :D
Many were happy to get rid of me, I think.
The world was waiting to be conquered or mocked.
So I headed out... full of positive energy. Positive to me, that is.
00 Reply - u1 mo
I left high school in 1971, after my 11th grade. I graduated from high school in 1972. At that time, I thought it was a great thing for me to be doing. In retrospect, I should have remained in high school for my 12th grade year.
00 Reply A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Hell yes I was happy to leave it. I had better shit to do...
00 Reply- u1 mo
I was exactly, 18 years old...
I was not happy or unhappy... definitely bittersweet, such great people I met in high-school... many of them still my closest and best friends, the rest, very good acquainted/friends for life...00 Reply - 30 d
I was 18 when I graduated high school, with my senior class. I enjoyed high school, as I've enjoyed most learning opportunities, but after 12 years of classes, it was time to move on to college, and after that, to a career.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)30 d
1994. Yeah, so much so that I graduated a semester early as I'd had fulfilled all my credits to graduate. Actually I had fulfilled them as a Jr. But in my state you have to take Economics. And you cannot do that till your senior year. So even then I was only going to school the first semester as a half day. Most of which was just study hall. Which i would get pass out of so I could go down to the auto shop to work on my car.
00 Reply 2.5K opinions shared on Education & Career topic. When I was 17. I really was glad to be out of there. I did not go to college right away and worked a shitty minimum wage job and I had to hitchhike into the city 6 days a week. It still was better than high school.
00 Reply- 29 d
thousands of moons ago and I couldn't wait to get out.
If I could do it over again, I'd do it much better.
00 Reply About 15 years ago, glad I graduated. I learned much more valuable skills outside of school than I ever did in my small hometown countryside school.
01 Reply2014 and yess I hurried up and graduated a year early
00 ReplyI graduated 40 years ago. Yes I was happy to get out of there. I went to a trade school instead of regular college. I ended up working in a totally different trade
00 Reply2017 and yes but I did my friends and the teachers. Funny 7 years later I'm working there now and it's truly been blessing to come back. I start my second year working there on August 15th.
00 Reply834 opinions shared on Education & Career topic. I left HS early to go to college. I have one undergraduate and two graduate degrees. I have never been to a graduation ceremony by choice.
00 Reply304 opinions shared on Education & Career topic. 2009. It was bittersweet, but the beat year was the final year because people stopped caring about highschool status.
00 ReplyIt was a time called the 1900s...
1990 to be exact.
Oh my God is that guy old...
00 Reply- 29 d
This year is my 40th reunion, I graduated in 1984
00 Reply - 29 d
Still a junior. So I'm working on it.
00 Reply - 29 d
1990 and bittersweet.
00 Reply - 1 mo
2013. Yes, I was happy.
00 Reply 2009. 😊
00 Reply1972 and yes.
00 Reply
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