10 Things We All Learned As Teenagers

1. No Matter How Many Times You Claimed You Were Going To Do Better Next Year, You Never Did. 2. They Weren't The One. 3. According...
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Frosted: A First-Generation Asian American in the US Navy, Chapter 2: Moving

Please see Part 1 here if you haven't read it already. A few months later after my ship and community selection , graduation came and...
1 1

Frosted: A First-Generation Asian American's Journey in the US Navy

DISCLAIMER: What I am about to report is to me the truth. This is not me posting political analysis about the Navy or America. This is a...
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Tea Cup Giraffe: A Poem And Its Meaning

There one was a giraffe at the size of a tea cup Who old ladies confused to be a caniday pup They one compared her to a lobster...
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6 Ways to Cope With Terrible Cases of Exam Stress

Exam stress eats away at you on a daily basis . I cannot stress enough the emotional strain this pressure can put on you. A person...
1 3

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Text and Drive

I'm writing this because someone close to me, my brother, died because he was driving and a careless driver (who was texting while...
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Poetry Corner: Career Driven Woman

I look outside the window, the horizon looks bright pink In the library, the air is tainted with the color of fire As I watch the...
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How do I deal with this coworker?

So I have been working in a company for 3 months. Already I have been experiencing anxiety to the point where I every day before I go...

How can I create this sentence?

Isabel take cares of playing computer games. This sentence is present tense and the verbs take "s" the end. I want to create this...

Would you work if you didn't have to?

I would, but it'd be something like 25-30 hours a week.

How do you switch careers when youve done the same thing for 20 years?

I've owned and managed and landscape business for 20 years. Technically I was the one who did all the work too since it was a one man...

Don’t you think it’s helpful to be muscular 💪 in professions 👨🏻‍⚕️?

Whether you’re a doctor or business man etc, if you’re muscular you get respect 🫡. It shows you work hard and you’re probably going to...
15 25

Is a future partners working status important when entering into a new relationships?

For example I am unemployed due to health reasons both mental and physically.
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Which job should I pick?

I was supposed to start chipotle in a week starting at $12/hr. However I was also just offered another job at $17/hr. Pros of each job:...
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Part 4 of which career do you prefer to work in?

Gentlemen and Ladies we have officially returned to the careers and it's time for a new set of jobs you men and women know what up which...
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Part 3 of which career you want to achieve?

Ladies and Gents out of these six which would be your idea job, me personally I would want to become an actor hopefully I can be one of...
4 5

Which career seems more interesting to work in Part 2?

The second round of career choices ladies and gentlemen which would be your dream job? I generally think being a aerospace engineer...
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