7 Reasons Why You Should Never Text and Drive

I'm writing this because someone close to me, my brother, died because he was driving and a careless driver (who was texting while driving) crashed into him.

We have all seen the commercials. The driver takes his/hers attention off the rode to check a text message or alert, and then bam the passengers life is changed by a horrific accident, but nobody really takes these seriously.

Don't text and drive; 7 reasons why

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Text and Drive

Nobody thinks this will actually happen to them. It can and it does happen to thousands of people a year. More than 3,000 people (teens specifically) die each year in crashes caused by texting and driving.

1. It's illegal in most states

Texting while driving is banned in 46 states and I'm betting it's most likely illegal where you live.

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Text and Drive

2. Consider other passengers.

You will not only be putting your life at risk, but another innocent person(s) too. Some other innocent human being could die because of your careless behavior.

3. You are more likely to crash.

4. There's fines up to $10,000

5. You could go to jail for causing a crash

6. No text is more important then your life

7. Think about what pain you could put the people who love you, if you die just because you checked your texts/alert for a second.

Just be safe, and drive carefully.

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Text and Drive
Post Opinion