6 Critical Benefits of Getting a Job in Your Teens

I'm a teenager and I'm currently working part time while at high school, and I can definitely see the benefits, so I'm hoping you will...
8 11

Tip to Job Seekers: Don't Mention LGBT Activism On Résumés!

Link: https://www.takepart.com/article/2014/07/04/fake-resumes-show-real-anti-lgbt-discrimination You may be very passionate about...
8 15

Don't Be A Loser, Guys! Get Out There and MOVE

Many times on GirlsAskGuys, in myTakes and comments, too many men complain that they are unemployed, uneducated, living in their...
9 42

The Pros and Cons of Graduating: Ready for Life?

Graduation season is now among us! And as someone who has graduated four times(Elementary school, Jr. high school, high school, and as...
0 4

Answering the College Question: To Go, Or Not To Go

This seems to be an important topic on here. "Should I go to college?" "Should i drop out of high school?" for example. Well I believe...
5 11

4 Reasons Why Everyone Should Learn How to Touch-Type

In middle school, I took a computer course. It taught me basic computer skills that I would use for the rest of my life. I have about 13...
2 6

5 Types of High School Students: From The Wizard to The Spy

These are some of the types of students I remember from high school. 1. That one student that always is eating in class Whether there...
4 7

Who is learning coding?

How is it going? Is it hard to learn?

I am afraid yo lose my job?

I could. People are saying dont be scared u can apply for welfare. But still...

Im worried I lose my job?

Should i be worried? I have been fured twice and i might be now. Ill lose my house, some say dont be scared you can Apply for welfare.

How do I manage working on multiple things in my life?

I feel like there's not enough time , school already takes up 7 hrs attendance and hours of studying after that , and I have other...

Do you like school?

I listened to a story told by a Columbus police officer about a call he got about a kid who was aggravated but wouldn't tell his mom...
2 1

Would you be okay if $50 was taken from each of your pay checks for your local primary and secondary education schools?

The money will go to public education where students will have access to better nutrition, better teachers, better infrastructure and...
19 28

Does a deeper voice command any more respect?

The ceo of Theranos just got ten years in prison. Something she would do is deepen her voice to sound like a man.
1 1

Have you ever taken part in activities where there were only guys?

Or girls only if you are a guy. How did you feel about it?
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Do you think you’re going to become rich?

Realistically? If so how? Like earning 500k or being worth 10mill+ in todays money.
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